鼓勵的英文 鼓勵用英語怎麼說?
encourage v.激勵;鼓舞;鼓勵;支援;激發;促進;助長
inspire v.激勵;激發;鼓舞;吸;吸入;引起;導致;喚起;以(正面感情)鼓舞;使產生
excite v.使激動;使興奮;刺激;引起;激起;激發;激勵;激起…的性慾
stimulate v.使(身體;生物系統)興奮;刺激;促進;激勵;促使;激發(人的)興趣
常用 權威
1. 鼓勵獎
consolation prize
2. 鼓勵交往
encourage sociability
3. 鼓勵旅遊
encourage travel
4. 鼓勵學習
encourage learning
5. 予以鼓勵
give encouragement
6. 鼓勵節約
encourage economy
7. 鼓勵外資
encourage foreign investment
8. 鼓勵火化
encourage cremation
9. 鼓勵原創
encourge original creations
10. 精神鼓勵
moral encouragement/support
11. 鼓勵多樣化經濟
encourage diversified economy
12. 鼓勵研究工作
stimulate research work
13. 鼓勵某人再試一次
encourage sb to try again
14. 以精神鼓勵為主
put stress on moral encouragement
15. 鼓勵某人好好學習
encourage sb in his studies
1. 這個電視節目鼓勵人們打掃衛生。
The TV show inspires people to tidy up.
2. 然後鼓勵他們建立一個工作秩序。
Then encourage them to establish an order in which they do work.
3. 中國政府鼓勵人們進行垃圾分類。
The Chinese government is encouraging people to do waste sorting (分類).
4. 減少會議,鼓勵行政人員去教室。
Cutting down meetings and encouraging administrative staff to go to classrooms.
5. 張桂順鼓勵村民盡最大努力脫貧。
Zhang Guishun encouraged his villagers to do their best to pull themselves out of poverty.
6. 所以,作為他的夥伴,我鼓勵他。
So, as his buddy, I encourage him.
7. 鼓勵我們去探索宇宙的未知領域。
Urge us to explore the unknown domain of the universe.
8. 鼓勵的話幫助悲傷的人度過一天。
Encouraging words help sad people make it through the day.
9. 家人們應該鼓勵孩子成為明星。
Family members should encourage kids to be stars.
10. 成功的回報是鼓勵更多業務的好評。
Success is rewarded with good reviews that encourage more business.
鼓勵(gǔ lì),漢語詞語,指鼓動激勵,勉人向上,也指振作精神。出自清代劉獻廷《廣陽雜記》卷五:“臣惟親列行伍,鼓厲官兵,水陸督戰。”
鼓舞,指鼓動;鼓勵;因為歡悅而興奮。見漢 揚雄《法言·先知》:“鼓舞萬物者,雷風乎!鼓舞萬民者,號令乎!”
動詞 encourage; inspire; excite; stimulate; give incentive/heart (to); cheer sb on
1. 他們的成功鼓勵了我們。
Their success has inspired us.
2. 鼓勵性價格/政策
incentive price/policy
3. 從別人的經歷中得到鼓勵
draw one's encouragement from sb else's experience
4. 說幾句鼓勵的話
offer a few words of encouragement
5. 鼓勵研究工作
stimulate research work
6. 鼓勵私人投資
encourage investment from the private sectors
7. 鼓勵某人再試一次
encourage sb to try again
8. 鼓勵某人繼續努力
inspire sb to further efforts; give sb an incentive to (make) greater efforts
9. 鼓勵某人好好學習
encourage sb in his studies