創造的英文 創造用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-10



bring about 使掉頭;引起, 導致

create v.創造;創作;建立;大驚小怪;抱怨;導致;引起;封;引發;授予

produce v.生產;製造;引起;產生;招致;出示;製作;導演;播放;播送;使(線段)延長

常用 權威



1. 創造力

originality; creative power/ability; inventive power/ability; talent/ability to create

2. 創造新世界

create a new world

3. 創造性

creativeness; creativity; originality

4. 創造者

creator; inventor; former

5. 創造條件

create conditions

6. 創造新詞

coin a word

7. 發明創造

invent and create; make inventions and innovations;inventions and innovations

8. 創造文明

create a civilization;create a civilization

9. 創造生活

create a life

10. 創造時機

make the opportunity

11. 中國創造

created in China

12. 創造未來

shape the future

13. 創造機會

create opportunities

14. 創造盈利

create profit

15. 創造利潤

create profits

16. 創造性勞動

creative work

17. 創造賣點

create a selling point

18. 創造財富

create wealth; build one's wealth;create wealth

19. 創造優越條件

create favourable conditions

20. 創造時新式樣

create a fashion


1. 他極具創造力的頭腦在發揮作用。

Here was an exceptionally creative mind at work.

2. 為他們創造一個理想的學習環境。

Create an ideal study environment for them.

3. 無聊是作者創造新想法的好方法。

Boredom is a good way for the writer to create new ideas.

4. 他們被要求與其他創造者合作。

They were required to cooperate with other creators.

5. 日常生活為創造性寫作提供了思路。

Daily life provides ideas for creative writing.

6. 它有助於創造更好的人際關係。

It helps to creat better interpersonal relations.

7. 它有助於創造自己的寫作風格。

It facilitates the creation of one's own writing style.

8. 我們對如何創造未來感到好奇。

We are curious about how we're building for the future.

9. 我們應該創造條件來猜測它的意思。

We should create situations to guess its meaning.

10. 在發明創造過程中失敗很常見。

Failure is a common part of the inventing.





Tvorba 1925年捷克文藝批評家沙爾達創辦的文藝、政治綜 合性週報。1928年捷克斯洛伐克當局查禁共產黨的出版 物,沙爾達出於對捷共的同情,對當局表示抗議,將《創 造》讓給尤·伏契克接辦,從此成了捷克共產黨的重要 刊物之一。同年11月 4日新版創刊,由伏契克任主編。 1938年被官方封閉。1945年在諾伊曼領導下復刊,後時 停時辦。1963年同 《文化報》合併, 改名為《文化創 造》,但不久又停刊。1969年 5月,捷共中央決定恢復 出版伏契克曾任主編的《創造》週報,是全國最主要的 報紙之一。 (蔣承俊) Tvorba 1925 Chardat founded in the Czech literary critic literary, political, comprehensive weekly. The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in 1928 the authorities banned the publication, Chardat Czech Republic were out of sympathy protest against the authorities would \create a\ give particular Fucik take over, from the Czech Republic has become an important publication of the Communist Party of 1. November 4 a new version of the same year, founded by the Fucik appointed editor in chief. Was officially closed in 1938. Neumann in 1945 under the leadership resume publication, after stop-and-run. In 1963 with the \cultural newspaper,\ were combined and renamed as \cultural creation,\ but soon after discontinued. In May 1969, the Czech Central Committee decided to resume the publication of Fucik a former editor of the \create\ weekly newspapers in the nation, one of the most important. (Jiangcheng Jun)



動詞 bring about; create; produce

1. 聖經上說,上帝按照自己的形象創造了人。

According to the Bible, God created man in his image.

2. 創造優異成績

produce excellent results

3. 創造文明

create a civilization

4. 創造未來

shape the future

5. 創造條件

create conditions for sth; set the stage for sth

6. 創造奇蹟

create/perform/work/do miracles; do/work wonders; achieve prodigious feats

7. 創造利潤

create/make profits

8. 創造歷史

create/make history

9. 創造就業機會

create jobs; create job openings; create employment opportunities

10. 創造機會

create opportunities

11. 創造更美好的生活

bring about/create a better life

12. 創造財富

create wealth; build one's wealth

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