吃的英文 吃用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-11


eat v.吃

take v.拿;取;拿出;帶走;攜帶;接受;吃;喝;採取;執行;需要;生根;開始生長;需帶有;學習,讀,修(課程);需要…時間;容納;乘坐,搭乘(交通工具)

have v.擁有;持有;經歷;體驗;不得不;必須做;做;顯示出;具有;把…放在;收到

drink v.喝;飲;喝酒;酗酒;把…喝完;全神貫注地看;被強烈地吸引住;陶醉於;吸收;喝起來有某種滋味

partake of 吃光;分享;參加

take in 吸收;接納, 收留;理解, 領會;吸入, 吞入;欺騙

absorb v.吸收;吸引…的注意力;使全神貫注;吞併;接受;將…合併;佔用;消減

wipe out 完全摧毀;被浪打翻, 跌下

annihilate v.毀滅;摧毀;徹底擊潰;使(亞原子粒子)湮沒;湮滅

destroy v.毀滅;摧毀;徹底破壞;徹底毀掉;打破;毀掉;使…崩潰;徹底打敗;以人道的方法殺死

exhaust v.使精疲力竭;用完;用光;耗盡;排放;排出;詳盡無遺地論述

stand v.站立;站;坐落於;位於;處於特定狀態;抵擋;抵禦;當候選人;參加競選;擔任…裁判員;請…吃喝;為…付賬

bear v.攜帶;拿;支援;支撐;忍受;生育;拐彎;不能忍受;表現;經得起

suffer v.經受;使遭受;忍受;允許;患病;容許;變差;變糟;准許;受病痛折磨

fully understand 完全理解;完全明白

accept v.接受;收受;相信;認為正確;承認;接納;認可;歡迎;讚許;同意承擔

by prep.由;被;憑藉;用;透過;以…之差;相差…;到…之前;不遲於;在…旁邊;靠近;在…的時候;關於;根據;以… 的名義

常用 權威



1. 吃吃的笑聲


2. 吃蓋澆飯

have a meat-veggie-rice combo

3. 吃小炒

have individually-cooked dish(es)

4. 吃補藥

take one's tonic

5. 吃現飯

eat leftovers

6. 吃月餅

eat a moon cake

7. 吃酒席

attend at a banquet

8. 吃淡食

go on a salt-free diet

9. 吃糖果

eat sweets

10. 吃麥當勞

have a meal at McDonald's

11. 吃犒勞

enjoy rewarded food and drink

12. 不想吃

not feel like eating

13. 吃喜酒

attend a wedding feast

14. 吃素日

meatless day

15. 吃便飯

have a simple meal

16. 吃油膩

eat oily food

17. 吃水分

soak up moisture

18. 吃西餐

have Western food

19. 吃寡酒

drink without eating

20. 吃一碗麵條

have a bowl of noodles


1. 除了當地食物,有些人會西餐。

Besides local food, some people eat Western food.

2. 午餐,我通常米飯、肉和蔬菜。

For lunch, I usually have rice, meat and vegetables.

3. \我們可以捲心菜,\亨利說。

\We can have cabbage, \Henry said.

4. 午餐是你在一天當中的一頓飯。

Lunch/Luncheon is a meal that you have in the middle of the day.

5. 健康簡單的食物,如湯或米飯。

Eat healthy simple foods such as soup or rice.

6. 人們無法容忍辦公室關門午餐。

There is little tolerance for offices' closing for lunch.

7. 重陽節的另一個傳統是重陽糕。

Eating Chongyang cakes is another tradition on the festival.

8. 因此,你一整天都會得更健康。

As a result, you will eat more healthily throughout the day.

9. 他們很難回憶起自己過的東西。

They have difficulty recalling what they have eaten.

10. 我花了太多時間考慮午餐什麼。

I'm spending too much time worrying over what to have for lunch.


吃(chī),漢字。注音ㄔ。總筆畫,6畫,左右結構。是指用手或工具(筷子、叉子、勺子等)把食物送進口腔,經過牙齒咀嚼後下咽經食道管進入胃裡,再由消化系統完成整個消化過程,組詞“吃飯”;說話結巴,組詞“口吃”;在古代一般不當“吃東西”講,“吃東西”的意義古代寫作“吃”,漢字簡化後“吃”寫作“吃”。 四川方言讀音為qī(啟),廣東方言讀音為hek。湖南省方言用“呷”(讀qia,掐音)表示“吃”,稱“吃飯”為“呷飯”。《說文》中有“吃,言蹇難也”




動詞 eat; take; have; drink; partake of

1. 這餅乾吃起來很脆。

The biscuits are crisp.

2. 我吃得有點太撐了。

I am a bit too stuffed.

3. 好好地吃一頓飯

have a square meal

4. 在外面吃

eat/dine out

5. 在家吃

eat/dine in

6. 生吃

eat uncooked/raw; be eaten raw

7. 大吃

eat one's head off; have a hearty/substantial meal

8. 不想吃

not feel like eating

9. 白吃一頓

sponge a dinner/meal

10. 吃過量

overeat oneself; eat to excess; glut oneself with food

11. 吃個夠

eat enough; eat one's fill

12. 吃得少

eat like a bird; have a light meal

13. 吃得津津有味

eat with relish

14. 吃得好

eat well; do oneself well

15. 吃得多

eat a great deal; eat heavily; eat like a horse; be a great/hearty eater

16. 吃窮了

eat oneself out of house and home

17. 吃早飯

have breakfast; eat one's breakfast

18. 吃藥

take medicine

19. 吃小吃

eat/take snacks

20. 吃糖果

have sweets/candies

21. 吃麵

eat/have noodles

22. 吃快餐

take/eat/have fast food

23. 吃酒

have/drink wine; drink alcohol

24. 吃火鍋

have a chafing dish/hot pot meal

動詞 eat somewhere; have one's meals at

1. 吃食堂

have one's meals in the cafeteria

動詞 take in; absorb; soak/sponge up

1. 吃水分

soak up moisture

2. 吃墨

soak up/absorb ink

動詞 wipe out; annihilate; destroy

1. 吃掉對方的王棋

take the opponent's king (in chess)

2. 吃掉敵人一個師

annihilate an enemy division

動詞 exhaust; be a strain on

動詞 stand; bear; suffer

動詞 (of one object) penetrate another object

動詞 live on/off

動詞 fully understand; grasp the exact meaning (of)

動詞 accept

介詞 by

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