改變的英文 改變用英語怎麼說?
change v.更改;改變;改換;更衣;轉車;變色;轉成新月相;轉成新月;換
transform v.徹底改變;使發生鉅變;使改觀;使改變性質;改變;改觀;發生巨大變化;變換(電流)的電壓;變換
shift v.轉移;移動;振作起來;變換身體位置;轉變;〈英;非正式〉 快速移動;非正式〉 活動一下;移位;去汙
alter v.改變性質;改建;閹割;騸
常用 權威
1. 嗓音改變
one's voice changes
2. 改變音調
modulate the pitch
3. 改變措辭
alter phraseology
4. 改變髮型
alter one's hairstyle
5. 改變程式
change form
6. 改變飲食
change diet
7. 改變均勢
alter the balance
8. 改變行程
change an itinerary
9. 改變原意
change one's intention
10. 改變方向
change the direction;change direction
11. 改變速度
change pace
12. 改變口氣
change one's tone
13. 改變腔調
change one's tone
14. 改變航向
change course; tack
15. 改變議題
change the subject under discussion
16. 改變約期
change the date
17. 改變式樣
alter the style
18. 改變計策
change one's strategy
19. 改變意圖
change one's intention
20. 改變焦點
change the focus
1. 現在我們知道工作是可以改變的。
Now we know jobs can be changeable.
2. 他們改變了他們在太空中的慣例。
They changed their routines in space.
3. 無論如何,有時候改變是值得的。
Sometimes that's worth making a change anyway.
4. 說服準爸爸們考慮改變職業生涯。
Persuading prospective fathers to consider a change in their career.
5. 跳舞似乎完全改變了他們的感覺。
Dancing seems to change their feeling completely.
6. 簽約國可能會改變生物物理限制。
The signatories may change the biophysical limits.
7. 環境可能會改變我們周遭的事物。
Environment could possibly change some things about us.
8. 人們可能會改變他們的社交行為。
People might change their social behavior.
9. 父母正在改變他們對教育的看法。
Parents are changing their minds about education.
10. 我們改變了\贏得\爭論的本質。
We change the very nature of what it means to \win\ an argument.
(1) 事物相對產生差別:你不可能根本改變人的本性 然而這一回,她的境遇卻~得非常大。——魯迅《祝福》 (2)改換;更動:~供電線路室內佈置改變一下,給人一種新鮮舒適感。 (3)是對現狀的不滿,在當下透過學習做出調整和變化,使在未來實現想要的結果。
動詞 become different; change
1. 過去的幾十年來,中國的面貌有很大改變。
China has changed greatly over the past few decades.
2. 發生徹底的改變
undergo a complete transformation
3. 改變得認不出來了
change beyond recognition; change out of all recognition
動詞 change; transform; shift; alter
1. 農村的生活經歷完全改變了我。
My experience in the countryside completely transformed me.
2. 輪船被迫改變航線。
The ship was forced to shift its course.
3. 歷史是不可改變的。
History is unalterable.
4. 改變形象
change one's image
5. 改變主意
change/alter one's mind; switch off to another line of thought
6. 改變習慣
alter/change a habit
7. 改變歷史程序
change the course of history
8. 改變立場
change sides; shift one's ground/position; alter one's stand; reverse oneself
9. 改變口氣
change one's tone
10. 改變決定
get a decision reversed; change one's decision
11. 改變精神面貌
change the mental outlook
12. 改變話題
change the subject; shunt the conversation on to a new topic
13. 改變工作作風
shift the style of work
14. 改變方向
change direction
15. 改變態度
change/alter one's attitude (towards)
16. 改變看法
change one's opinion (of); alter one's view (on)
17. 改變措辭
alter phraseology