拜訪的英文 拜訪用英語怎麼說?
call on 要求;號召;拜訪(某人)
常用 權威
1. 順路拜訪
drop in (on sb)
2. 拜訪部落格
visit a blog
3. 禮節性拜訪
courtesy call
4. 專程拜訪
pay a special visit (to)
5. 少有的拜訪
infrequent visits
6. 正式拜訪
pay a formal visit (to)
7. 登門拜訪
call at sb's house
8. 貿然拜訪
visit sb without prior engagement
9. 拜訪名人
visit a celebrity
10. 拜訪函
letter of inquiry (about a visit)
1. 我也想在八月四號去你家拜訪你。
I would also like to visit you at your home on the fourth of August.
2. 拜訪別人之前最好先打個電話。
It is better to telephone before visiting someone at home.
3. 她拜訪了士兵的妻子和母親。
She visited soldiers' wives and mothers.
4. 他們遷徙去拜訪他們的朋友。
They migrate to visit their friends.
5. 第三次拜訪時,她停下來逗留了一會兒。
On her third visit, she stopped and stayed for a while.
6. 去年,他去巴黎拜訪了他的叔叔和阿姨。
Last year, he went to visit his uncle and aunt in Paris.
7. 我最好的朋友在那裡工作,我去拜訪了她。
My best friend worked there and I went to visit her.
8. 當我們拜訪他們時,這樣做只是出於禮貌。
It is only polite for us to do the same when we visit them.
9. 自從我們搬進來後,家裡就沒有客人來拜訪。
We haven't had any guests since we moved in here.
10. 我打算去拜訪李先生。
I'm going to visit Mr. Li.
拜訪(bài fǎng),敬詞,看望並談話;短時間看望。出自於周恩來《關於和平談判問題的報告》:“我們雖然來了二十多天,但因為忙,未及分頭拜訪和請教,很感不安。”
動詞 call on; pay a visit (to); give (sb) a look-in
1. 專程拜訪
pay a special visit (to)
2. 正式拜訪
pay a formal visit (to)
3. 順路拜訪
drop in (on sb)
4. 登門拜訪
call at sb's house
5. 進行禮節性拜訪
make/pay a courtesy call (on)
6. 拜訪客戶/親戚
call on one's customers/relatives