願意的英文 願意用英語怎麼說?
be willing 願意;樂意;肯
be ready 準備好了;就緒;好了
hope v.希望;盼望
wish v.希望;但願;想要;祝願;盼望;許願;默默盼禱;企求;要求…做某事;祝(某人)(成功
want v.想要;想做;渴望;缺乏;缺少;需要;想請教;想跟…講話;緝拿;追捕
常用 權威
1. 他更願意為自己的愛好留出時間。
He would much rather keep time for his hobbies.
2. 那時,沒有人願意和我交朋友。
At that time, nobody wanted to make friends with me.
3. 人們不願意被迫吃植物性食物。
People's reluctance to be compelled to eat plant-based food.
4. 許多年輕人特別不願意在學校冒險。
Many young people are especially unwilling to take risks at school.
5. 如果你願意,我可以四處問問。
If you like, I can ask around.
6. 在博物館工作的人願意幫助你。
The persons working in the museum are willing to help you.
7. 然而,他願意付出代價來面對困難。
His willingness to face hardships came at a cost, however.
8. 願意按照靈活的時間表工作。
Readiness to work to flexible schedules.
9. 廣告商願意實施DNT(禁止追蹤)。
Advertisers are willing to implement DNT.
10. 他們不願意努力維持工作場所的關係。
They are unwilling to make efforts to maintain Workplace relationships.
願意,漢語詞彙。拼音:yuàn yì。釋義:1、同意、允諾、情願。2、希望
動詞 be willing; be ready
1. 他願意為年輕人做人梯。
He is happy to help young people to climb the ladder of success.
2. 不管我們願意不願意,只好照辦。
We can only follow willy-nilly.
3. 表示願意
express/signify/show a willingness (to do sth); demonstrate/show willingness
4. 願意幫忙/談判
be ready to help/talk
動詞 hope; wish; want
1. 我們願意你參加我們的組織。
We want you for our organization.