走路的英文 走路用英語怎麼說?
walk v.走;步行;使行走;使…行走似的移動;散步;行走;漫步;處事;沿(某線路)步行
go on foot 步行去;徒步;走路去
leave v.離開;離去;讓…留下;使處於某種狀態;離職;剩下;寄存;輟學;遺贈;忘記帶走
go away 離開, 帶走
常用 權威
1. 走路東倒西歪
walk unsteadily; stagger; stumble
2. 相互扶持著走路
support each other while walking
3. 踮著腳尖走路
walk on tiptoe; tiptoe
4. 走路腳步很重
walk with heavy footsteps
5. 拄著柺棍走路
walk with a stick
6. 走路歪扭
walk askew
7. 吃飯防噎,走路防跌
be careful not to get choked while eating and not to fall while walking—be highly cautious on every occasion; watch every step
1. 其次,用腳尖走路對視力有好處。
Second, walking on tiptoes (腳趾) is good for your eyesight.
2. 人們應該多跑步,而不僅僅是走路。
People should do more running than mere walking.
3. 赤腳走路實際上對你的腳更好。
Walking around with bare feet is actually better for your feet.
4. 透過反覆這樣做,它最終會學會走路。
By doing this over and over, it will finally learn to walk.
5. 她的祖母摔斷了腿,她只能靠柺杖走路。
Her grandmother broke her legs and she could walk only with a stick.
6. 在家不穿襪子、不穿鞋走路也能保護視力。
You can take care of your eyesight by walking without socks and shoes at home.
7. 長頸鹿的長腿意味著它們走路或跑步時都會邁大步。
Giraffe's long legs mean they take big steps when they walk or run.
8. 一些專家甚至認為撒謊是一個發展的里程碑,就像爬行和走路那樣。
Some experts even consider lying a developmental milestone, like crawling and walking.
9. 他患了關節炎,走路磕磕絆絆的。
He suffers from arthritis and walks jerkily.
10. 她走路像一隻搖搖擺擺的鴨子。
She walks like a waddling duck.
走路(zǒu lù),動詞。英文翻譯為walk;on foot,go walking;步行,散步。詞語示例為;走路人人都會走,但有很多路都不會走,比如掙大錢的路怎麼走,很多人都不會走來了
動詞 walk; go on foot
1. 走不盡的路,讀不完的書。
As there is an endless road for us to walk, so are there thousands of volumes of books for us to read.
2. 走了兩天的路累壞了。
I felt exhausted after travelling for two days on foot.
3. 孩子已經學會走路了。
The baby has learned to walk.
動詞 leave; go away
1. 走路就走路,我正好不願在這兒幹了。
If you let me leave, I'll leave. It's just my wish not to work here again.
2. 叫他走路,這沒他的事了。
Tell him to scram. He is not wanted here.
3. 不好好兒幹讓她捲鋪蓋走路。
Let her pack up her luggage and leave since she doesn't work hard.