通知的英文 通知用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-16



give notice 通知;釋出公告;通告

notification n.通知;通告;告示

notice n.注意;觀察;預先通知;警告;通知;佈告;簡介;小型廣告;簡短通告

circular adj.圓形的;環形的;因包含待證假設因而是謬誤的;迴圈論證的;供流傳的;迴圈的;環繞一圈的

常用 權威



1. 通知單

advice note; letter of advice

2. 通知書

notice;advice note; letter of advice

3. 分配通知書

allotment note

4. 到貨通知單

advice of arrival; arrival notice

5. 訂貨通知單

order slip

6. 先行通知

notify in advance

7. 撤除通知

remove a notice

8. 發貨通知

shipping advice

9. 裝船通知

shipping advice

10. 延遲通知

notice of delay

11. 付款通知

advice of payment

12. 收款通知書

advice of collection

13. 入學通知書

notice of admission

14. 開審通知

notice of trial

15. 預先通知

notify in advance;advance/previous notice; warning

16. 傳閱通知

send a circular round

17. 通知交貨

delivery on call

18. 通知存款

deposit at call/notice; call/notice deposit

19. 通知銀行

advising/notifying bank

20. 免職通知

walking papers; pink slip; marching orders


1. 在校報和學校網站上釋出通知

Put a notice in the school newspaper and on the school website.

2. 不要在通知的末尾簽上你自己的名字。

Do not sign your own name at the end of the notice.

3. 寫一個100字左右的通知

Write a notice in about 100 words.

4. 你錯過了關於音樂節的通知

You missed the announcement about the music festival.

5. 星期二下午我會通知你的。

I'll let you know Tuesday afternoon.

6. 它立即通知了當地警方。

It informed the local police at once.

7. 我們已經通知顧客,他們的寵物已經安全抵達。

We have notified our customers that their pets arrived safely.

8. 只要FUF通知他們,他們就開始工作他們需要一棵樹。

They set out to work whenever the FUF informs (通知) them of a tree in need.

9. 然後,不知不覺中,我們聽到了我們即將抵達北京的通知

Then, before we knew it, we heard the announcement that we were arriving in Beijing.

10. 老闆可以簡單地向員工發出合同通知的日子已經一去不復返了。

Long gone are the days when a boss could simply give an employee contractual notice.





漢語詞語,多指的是一種告知資訊的書面形式。   ②稱呼:寫被通知者的姓名或職稱或單位名稱。在第二行頂格寫。(有時,因通知事項簡短 ,內容單一,書寫時略去稱呼,直起正文。)?   ③正文:另起一行,空兩格寫正文。正文因內容而異。開會的通知



動詞 notify (sb of sth); inform (sb of sth); apprise (sb of sth); advise (sb of sth); give notice; let sb know

1. 因裝修暫停營業,何時復業,另行通知。

Notice is hereby given that owing to renovation, our shop will not be open until further notice.

2. 一到家就通知我。

Send me word as soon as you get home.

3. 若地址有變,請通知我。

Please let me know if there is any change of address.

4. 請通知他開會時間。

Please inform/notify him of the time of the meeting.

5. 貨物發出後請通知我們。

Please advise us of the dispatch of the goods.

6. 規格若有變更,恕不另行通知。

Specifications are subject to change without notice.

7. 博物館現已閉館,開館時間另行通知。

The museum is closed until further notice.

8. 預先通知

give sb advance notice; notify/inform in advance

9. 另行通知

notify/inform later; give a separate notice

10. 等候通知

wait for sb's notification

名詞 notification; notice; circular

1. 醫生一接到通知馬上就來了。

The doctor came at short notice.

2. 國務院關於國有企業改造的通知

circular on the reform of state enterprises by the State Council

3. 郵政匯款通知

postal remittance notice

4. 書面通知

notice in writing; written notice/message

5. 口頭通知

oral/verbal notice

6. 解僱通知

notice of dismissal/discharge; marching orders; walking papers; pink slip

7. 發貨通知

shipping advice

8. 張貼通知

put up a notice

9. 收到通知

receive a notice

10. 發出通知

send out/dispatch/issue a notice
