蘑菇的英文 蘑菇用英語怎麼說?
mushroom n.蘑菇;傘菌;棕灰色;蘑菇形物;淡褐色;如蘑菇般突然出現的人;如蘑菇般短暫的人;曇花一現的人
pester v.不斷打擾;糾纏
worry v.不安;擔心;發愁;操心;撕咬;齧碎;擔心的;發愁的;使煩惱;使擔心
dawdle v.浪費時間;拖延;磨蹭;閒逛
dilly-dally v.閒蕩;磨蹭
常用 權威
1. 蘑菇雲
mushroom cloud [esp from a nuclear explosion]
2. 食用蘑菇
edible mushroom
3. 無毒蘑菇
innocuous mushroom
4. 蘑菇栽培
mushroom cultivation
5. 蘑菇中毒
mushroom poisoning
6. 蘑菇湯
mushroom soup
7. 種植蘑菇
cultivate mushrooms
8. 蘑菇戰術
tactics of‘wear and tear' [wearing the enemy down and then defeating them]
9. 幹蘑菇
dried mushroom
1. 你可以把它和豆子和蘑菇
You can have it served with beans and mushrooms.
2. 你別跟我蘑菇了,我還要辦事呢。
Don’t pester me; I’ve got to attend to business.
3. 別跟我泡蘑菇了,我不會答應的。
Stop pestering me; I won’t agree.
4. 幹蘑菇不壓秤,一斤就是一大堆。
Dried mushrooms don’t weigh much. One jin of them would be a lot.
5. 別泡蘑菇了,快點兒幹活兒吧。
Stop dawdling and get down to work.
6. 你再這麼蘑菇下去,非誤了班機不可。
If you go on dawdling like this, you’ll miss your flight.
7. 這些蘑菇有毒,吃不得。
These mushrooms are poisonous; they are not edible.
8. 裹有面包屑的鬆脆大蒜沙司蘑菇。
[as adj. crumbed]crispy crumbed mushrooms with garlic dip
9. 我幾乎過量食用了蘑菇色拉。
I almost OD'd on mushroom salad.
10. 香番茄沙司及蘑菇香草雞肉。
Chicken cacciatore.
蘑菇(拉丁學名:Agaricus campestris)又稱“雙孢蘑菇”“洋蘑菇”,真菌門擔子菌綱傘菌目傘菌科蘑菇屬,最早約於1605年在法國開始栽培,是一種能吃的優良真菌,群生或叢生;剛生長出來時是個小圓球形,逐漸變成扁平球形,成熟時展開像把撐開的雨傘,上部“菌蓋”直徑加大成7~12釐米;嫩時表面光滑白色,老熟時變成淡黃。蘑菇種類繁多,有超過3.6萬種。蘑菇本身具備一定的好氣性,不需要進行光合作用,它是世界上人工栽培較廣泛、產量較高、消費量較大的食用菌品種。 蘑菇可以與排骨、肉類一起燉湯,也可以和辣椒、芸豆或五花肉一起做成清炒小菜。
名詞 mushroom
1. 無毒蘑菇
innocuous mushroom
2. 食用蘑菇
edible mushroom
3. 烤/炸蘑菇
grilled/fried mushrooms
4. 幹蘑菇
dried mushroom
5. 毒蘑菇
poisonous/toxic mushroom
6. 蘑菇中毒
mushroom poisoning
7. 蘑菇湯
mushroom soup
8. 種植蘑菇
cultivate mushrooms
9. 採蘑菇
gather/pick (up) mushrooms; go mushrooming; go to mushroom
動詞 keep on (at sb); pester; worry
1. 你別跟我蘑菇了,我還要辦事呢。
Don't pester me; I've got to attend to business.
動詞 dawdle; dilly-dally
1. 你再這麼蘑菇下去,非誤了班機不可。
If you go on dawdling like this, you'll miss your flight.