出售的英文 出售用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-22



offer for sale 要約售賣

sell v.賣;出售;說服;兜售;欺騙;出賣;經銷;售價為;賣光;賣完

常用 權威



1. 論打出售

sell by the dozen

2. 減價出售

sell at a discount

3. 半價出售

sell at half-price; half-price sale

4. 出售勞務

sell service

5. 分批出售

sell by lots

6. 蝕本出售

sell at a loss

7. 按成本出售

sell at cost

8. 特價出售

sell at a bargain price

9. 抬價出售

sell sth at raised prices

10. 加價出售

sell at a higher price

11. 出售財產

sell off one's property

12. 偷偷出售

sell under the counter

13. 溢價出售

sell at premium

14. 按瓶出售

sell by the bottle

15. 大量出售

launch a massive sale

16. 對摺出售

sell at a 50% discount

17. 高價出售

sell at a high price

18. 變價出售

sell at the current price

19. 出售銀器

sell one's silver

20. 貶價出售

sell at a reduced price


1. 歷屆政府都在主政期間出售綠地。

Successive governments have presided over selling green spaces.

2. 洩露患者資料比出售資料更糟糕。

Leaking patients' data is worse than selling it.

3. 它出售當地的葡萄酒和軟飲料。

It sells local wines and soft drinks.

4. 他經常被迫以綠茶的價格出售紫茶。

He is often forced to sell his purple tea for the same price as green tea leaves.

5. 設立了飲水機來出售這些產品。

Fountains were set up to sell them.

6. 他們禁止出售不新鮮的食物。

They prohibit the sale of foods that have gone stale.

7. 我們現在出售的數字會讓你感到驚訝。

It would astonish you to know the figure we sell them at nowadays.

8. 它們以22美元的價格出售

They're on sale for twenty-two dollars.

9. 例如,包裝食品通常不在農貿市場出售

For example, packed foods usually are not sold at farmers' markets.

10. 英國機場管理局是否應該出售部分資產。

Whether the British Airports Authority should sell off some of its assets.



動詞 offer for sale; sell

1. 虧本出售

sell at a loss; sell below cost

2. 減價出售

sell at a discount

3. 公開/秘密出售

sell openly/secretly

4. 高價出售

sell at a high price

5. 非法出售

sell under the counter; illicit sale (of sth)

6. 半價出售

sell at half-price; half-price sale

7. 按瓶/捆/桶出售

sell in bottles/bundles/casks

8. 按市場價格/固定價格出售

sell at the market price/fixed price

9. 按磅/打出售

sell by the pound/dozen

10. 禁止出售

ban/forbid/prohibit the sale (of)

11. 出售汽車

put a car on the market

12. 出售勞務

sell service

13. 出售財產

sell off one's property

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