失去的英文 失去用英語怎麼說?
lose v.失去;丟失;輸掉;未贏得(遊戲;競賽);入不敷出;虧損;迷路;專注於;使…失去;(因死亡、斷交)痛失(親屬)
常用 權威
1. 失去名望
lose popularity
2. 失去權力
be stripped of power
3. 失去民心
lose popular support
4. 失去平靜
lose one's composure
5. 失去王位
lose the throne
6. 失去好名聲
lose one's good character
7. 失去親人
lose one's beloved ones
8. 失去聲望
lose one's popularity
9. 失去擁護
lose sb's support
10. 失去餘威
lose the remaining prestige
11. 失去友誼
lose one's friendship
12. 失去吸力
lose its magnetism
13. 失去信義
lose credibility
14. 失去信仰
lose one's faith
15. 失去威信
be discredited
16. 失去威望
lose the prestige
17. 失去席位
lose one's seat
18. 失去蹤跡
lose the trace
19. 失去味覺
lose one's sense of taste
20. 失去線索
lose track of
1. 如果你總是對你的孩子失去冷靜。
If you consistently lose your cool with your kids.
2. 自由民主黨正在失去政治影響力。
The Liberal Democrats are losing political influence.
3. 他失去了視力,但卻找到了希望。
He lost his sight but found a vision.
4. 他們的文化將失去復興的機會。
Their culture will lose a chance of revival.
5. 使用來電顯示會失去這份樂趣。
Using Caller ID would take the fun out of it.
6. 詳細的每日計劃會讓學生失去動力。
The detailed daily plans demotivated students.
7. 然而,我們大多數人確實失去了它。
Yet most of us do lose it.
8. 失去平衡並跌倒是不愉快的。
Losing your balance and falling isn't pleasant.
9. 她失去了信心,放棄了夢想。
She lost heart and gave up her dream.
10. 全球氣候變化可能失去控制。
Global climate change may get out of control.
《失去》是張震嶽演唱的國語歌曲,是電視劇《愛情合約》的插曲,由滾石唱片滾石發行於2004年7月13日,收錄於專輯《愛情合約 電視原聲帶》中。
動詞 lose
1. 這橡皮已失去彈性。
This rubber has lost its tone.
2. 好東西失去了,我們才知道它的珍貴。
We don't know a good thing till we've lost it.
3. 她終於失去了耐心。
Her patience finally gave out.
4. 她失去了美貌。
She has lost her good looks.
5. 失去知覺
lie insensible; lose consciousness; fall into a coma
6. 失去信心/意義
lose confidence/meaning
7. 失去希望
lose hope; be bereft of hope
8. 失去威信
be discredited
9. 失去時效
be no longer effective/valid; cease to be in force
10. 失去聲望
lose one's popularity
11. 失去權力
be stripped of power
12. 失去耐心
lose/exhaust one's patience; get impatient
13. 失去民心
lose popular support
14. 失去聯絡
lose touch/contact (with); be out of touch (with sb)
15. 失去理智
lose one's senses; be bereft of reason
16. 失去控制
lose one's grip (of); lose control (of); get out of hand/control
17. 失去警覺
relax one's vigilance
18. 失去機會
miss a chance/an opportunity
19. 失去國籍
forfeit one's citizenship