情緒的英文 情緒用英語怎麼說?
mood n.心境;心情;情緒;精神狀態;語氣;三段論的式;三段論形式;氣氛;心情不好;生氣
morale n.士氣;精神面貌
feeling n.感覺;看法;想法;知覺;對…的悟性;…感;感情;激情;觸覺;強烈的感情
sentiment n.觀點;看法;感覺;情感;情緒;感傷;感想;願望
depression n.沮喪;抑鬱;降低;減少;蕭條;推壓;按下;俯視角;抑鬱症;大蕭條
moodiness n.喜怒無常;悶悶不樂
sulks n.慍怒;(sulk的複數)
常用 權威
1. 厭戰情緒
2. 厭倦情緒
weary mood
3. 派生情緒
derived emotion
4. 敵對情緒
antagonistic feeling; feeling of hostility; enmity
5. 安定情緒
steady one's nerves
6. 情緒依戀
emotional attachment
7. 對立情緒
resistance; resentment; antagonism
8. 對抗情緒
hostile feeling
9. 情緒低沉
be in low spirits
10. 頹廢情緒
decadent sentiments
11. 失敗情緒
defeatist emotions/sentiments
12. 情緒不穩
be emotionally unstable
13. 情緒悲觀
be in a pessimistic mood
14. 影響情緒
influence one's moods
15. 思鄉情緒
nostalgic mood
16. 公眾情緒
public sentiment
17. 情緒波動
emotional disturbance
18. 狂熱情緒
19. 情緒奮激
be in high spirits
20. 消極情緒
negative emotion
1. 他們發現控制自己的情緒很容易。
They found it easy to control their emotions.
2. 這些感覺突出了情感或情緒成分。
These feelings highlight the affective or emotional component.
3. 第二,影片可能產生了情緒影響。
Second, the video may have had an emotional impact.
4. 專注於負面情緒只會讓它繼續下去。
Focusing on negativity just keeps it going.
5. 李文難過的情緒開始影響他的學業。
Li Wen's unhappiness began to influence his schoolwork.
6. 孩子對父母情緒的變化不敏感。
Children are insensitive to changes in their parents' mood.
7. 但很快,他的情緒發生了轉變。
But soon enough, his emotions took a turn.
8. 他們對數學有強烈的負面情緒。
They have strong negative emotions towards math.
9. 它忽略了情緒可能被控制的可能性。
It overlooked the possibility that emotions may be controlled.
10. 孤獨對高喚醒情緒有還原作用。
Solitude had a reductive effect on high-arousal emotions.
情緒(emotion)是對一系列主觀認知經驗的通稱,是人對客觀事物的態度體驗以及相應的行為反應。情緒在生理反應上的評價和體驗,包括喜、怒、哀、樂等幾種。 情緒也是信心這一整體中的一部分,它與信心中的外向認知、外在意識具有協調一致性,是信心在生理上一種暫時的較劇烈的生理評價和體驗。
名詞 mood; morale; feeling; sentiment
1. 我的情緒保持穩定。
My mind has retained its balance.
2. 她的情緒好起來了。
Her spirits/heart rose.
3. 他的情緒時好時壞。
His moods alternated between happiness and gloom.
4. 他情緒不穩。
He is liable to abrupt swings in mood.
5. 讓我們拋開個人情緒吧。
Let's set aside our personal feelings.
6. 動人的音樂使聽眾情緒激盪。
The stirring music acted on the emotions of the audience.
7. 不滿情緒爆發。
Disaffection broke out.
8. 情緒激昂。
Emotions go high.
9. 情緒忽高忽低。
Emotion swells and subsides. / Mood ebbs and flows. / Feelings fluctuate.
10. 思鄉情緒
nostalgic mood
11. 民族情緒
national sentiment
12. 公眾情緒
public sentiment
13. 敵對情緒
hostile/antagonistic feelings; feelings of enmity/hostility/oppugnance
14. 情緒不穩定
emotional instability
15. 情緒波動
emotional disturbance
16. 情緒陰鬱
be in a dark/gloomy mood; be in melancholic/gloomy vein
17. 情緒抑鬱
be in a very depressed state
18. 情緒消沉
get depressed/dampened
19. 情緒激動
be inflamed/heated with passion; be in a flame; be overpowered with emotion; be excited
20. 情緒很壞/糟
be in a bad/vile/foul mood; be in very ill humour
21. 情緒很好
be in fine/high/good/great feather; be in good humour
22. 情緒高漲
feelings/passions run high; morale is high; be in high/great spirits
23. 情緒低落
be in low/poor spirits; be down/low in spirits; be in the gloom of despair
24. 情緒不好
not be in a good mood; be out of humour; be in bad spirits; be in a (bad) temper
25. 滋長自滿情緒
breed self-satisfaction
26. 助長不滿情緒
foster discontent
27. 影響情緒
sway the emotion; affect sb's feeling; influence one's moods
28. 穩定情緒
set sb's mind at rest; calm sb down
29. 煽動情緒
stir/whip up/arouse emotions (of); fan/stir the flames (of)
30. 驅散悲傷的情緒
drive away/dispel sad feeling
31. 克服/減輕/緩和/掩飾失望情緒
get over/lighten/soften/hide one's disappointment
32. 發洩不滿情緒
give vent to dissatisfaction
33. 保持高漲的情緒
keep one's spirits up
34. 擺脫悲觀情緒
rid oneself of pessimism; rid oneself of a pessimistic mood
35. 安定情緒
steady/calm one's nerves
名詞 depression; moodiness; sulks
1. 他今天鬧情緒了。
He's in a mood today. / He's in one of his moods/sulks today.
2. 有點兒情緒
be rather sulky/moody