吸菸的英文 吸菸用英語怎麼說?
smoke n.煙;大城市;抽菸;雪茄;香菸
常用 權威
1. 吸菸者
smoker; tobacco user
2. 吸菸室
smoking room
3. 吸菸區
smoking section
4. 被動吸菸
passive smoking;passive/secondhand smoking
5. 吸菸裝
Le Smoking (tuxedo suit)
6. 減少吸菸
reduce smoking
7. 痛恨吸菸
detest smoking
8. 吸菸車廂
smoking car; smoking carriage; smoking compartment; smoker
9. 吸菸席
smoking seat
10. 沒命地吸菸
smoke like mad
11. 用菸斗吸菸
smoke tobacco in one's pipe
12. 與吸菸有關
be linked to smoking
13. 慣常不吸菸的人
14. 一支接一支吸菸的人
1. 她研究了成年吸菸者的吸菸模式。
She studied the smoking patterns of adult smokers.
2. 當然,吸菸會造成很多嚴重的問題。
Surely, smoking can cause lots of serious problems.
3. 樸素的包裝可以勸阻非吸菸者吸菸。
Plain packaging discourages non-smokers from taking up smoking.
4. 敢於與眾不同,請不要吸菸!
Dare to be different, please don't smoke!
5. 大型菸草公司對顧客坦誠吸菸的危害。
Big tobacco companies were frank with their customers about the hazards of smoking.
6. 而且我認為人們對吸菸也看到了這一點。
And I think people see that for smoking as well.
7. 許多國會議員吸菸成癮。
Many Members of Parliament are addicted to smoking.
8. 吸菸有害健康,請戒菸。
Smoking is harmful to your health, please give it up.
9. 醫生告訴我,多年來吸菸損害了我的健康。
The doctor told me that many years smoking had weakened my health.
10. 香菸盒上的簡單警告不會影響吸菸者的習慣。
The simple warning on the cigarette packet does not influence smokers' habits.
吸菸有危害,不僅僅危害人體健康,還會對社會產生不良的影響。任何有組織生物體只要還有生命跡象就要呼吸,撥出體內的二氧化碳,吸入空氣中的氧氣,進行新陳代謝,以維持正常的生命活動。不吸菸的人,每天都能吸入大量的新鮮空氣;而經常吸菸的人,卻享受不到大自然的恩惠,吸入的不是新鮮空氣,而是被煙霧汙染的有毒氣體。 菸葉裡含有毒質菸鹼,也叫尼古丁。1克重的菸鹼能毒死300只兔或500只老鼠。如果給人注射50毫克菸鹼,就會致死。 吸菸對呼吸道危害最大,很容易引起喉頭炎、氣管炎,肺氣腫等咳嗽病。吸菸的時候煙從口入,經過喉嚨、氣管、支氣管、進入血液裡。 2019年2月,兩項科學研究表明吸菸損害對抗皮膚癌的能力、也有損視力 。
動詞 smoke; have a smoke
1. 吸菸有害健康。
Smoking is harmful to one's health.
2. 請勿吸菸。
Kindly refrain from smoking.
3. 請吸菸。
Have a smoke. / Would you like a smoke?
4. 你吸菸嗎?
Do you smoke? / Are you a smoker?
5. 此地禁止/不許吸菸。
Smoking is prohibited/not allowed here.
6. 一支接一支吸菸的人
7. 被動吸菸
passive smoking
8. 吸菸者
smoker; tobacco user
9. 禁止吸菸
ban/prohibit smoking
10. 減少吸菸
reduce smoking