看一看的英文 看一看用英語怎麼說?
have a look 看看;看一眼;看一下
常用 重點詞彙
1. 看一看,確保你對一切都很清楚。
Take a look at it, and make sure you're clear about everything.
2. 或者去購物中心,或者主要街道,看一看,買一買。
Or head out to the mall, or Main Street, look and shop, and buy.
3. 這部片子還可以,你不妨去看一看。
This film is pretty good; you might as well go and see it.
4. 讓我看一看…嗯,《亂世佳人》。
Let me see…um. Gone With the Wind.
5. 固定短語,意為“看一看……”。
B take a look at …
6. 我一直希望能到以色列去看一看。
It was always my wish to take a look at Israel.
7. 我想看一看那件新的羊毛套頭衫。
I'd like to look at that new woolen pullover.
8. 我可以看一看嗎? 當然,給你。
May I have a look? Sure, Here you(are).
9. 我們要點菜,請給我看一看選單。
We shall dine a la carte . let me see the menu , please.
10. 請給我可以看一看甜點選單好嗎?
Can I see the dessert menu, please?
have a look