籃子的英文 籃子用英語怎麼說?
basket n.籃;簍;筐;投籃得分;吊籃;一攬子
常用 權威
1. 購物籃子
shopping basket
2. 菜籃子工程
shopping-basket project; nonstaple food supply project
3. 一籃子桃
a basket of peaches
4. 一籃子貨幣
currency basket; basket of currencies
1. 他遞給他一個用來裝煤的籃子。
He passed him a basket that was used to carry coal.
2. 但是你注意到籃子不同了嗎?
But did you notice the basket was different?
3. 他們一邊一個提著籃子,高高興興地走著。
They took hold of the basket, one on each side, and trudged along with merry hearts.
4. 發現了一個鐵絲籃子。
A wire basket was found.
5. 讀書就像用籃子盛水。
Reading is like holding water with the basket.
6. 他試了很多次,但每次水都會從籃子裡漏出來。
He tried many times but every time the water leaked (漏掉) from the basket.
7. 我在籃子裡放了一些松枝,使這個巢安全舒適。
I put some pine branches into the basket to make this nest safe and comfortable.
8. 它們是像抱枕、鏡子和籃子一樣的彩色小物件。
They're the little spots of color like throw pillows, mirrors and baskets.
9. 你可以把它從地上或植物上摘下來,放進籃子裡!
You can just pick it out of the ground or off a plant and put it into a basket!
10. 一隻籃子值5元。
A basket alone costs 5 yuan.
籃子是一個漢語詞語,讀音為lán zi,指用籐、竹、塑膠等編制而成有提手的盛物器具。
名詞 basket
1. 一籃子桃
a basket of peaches
2. 購物籃子
shopping basket
3. 一個/只籃子
a basket