深的英文 深用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-21


deep adj.深的;劇烈的;極度的;深沉的;深色的;深刻的;幽深的;深奧的;深陷的;縱深的

abstruse adj.深奧難懂的;晦澀的

difficult adj.困難的;費勁的;難懂的;艱難的;難對付的;有問題的;難以取悅的;挑剔的

penetrating adj.有穿透力的;有滲透力的;能刺入的;能戳入的;深刻的;有洞察力的;透徹的;響亮的;尖刺的;尖銳的

thorough adj.徹底的;完全的;全面的;透徹的;周詳的;縝密的;盡心盡力的;仔細周到的;徹頭徹尾的;完完全全的

in-depth adj.全面深入的

intimate adj.熟悉的;親密的;親切的;私下的;個人的;隱私的;詳盡的;深刻的;徹底的;密切的

rich adj.有錢的;富的;豐饒的;豐富的;盛產的;豐產的;(話語)逗人的;荒唐的;使人氣憤的

late adj.晚的;遲的;遲來的;已故的;最近的;最新的;後期;以前的;原來的;晚期的

depth n.深度;深奧;深刻;深處;縱深;縱深感;滲透(或滲漏)深度;下降深度;下達深度;立體感

very adv.很;非常;十分;甚;極其;頗;十足;完全

greatly adv.大大地;非常;很

deeply adv.深深地;強烈地

常用 權威



1. 深海溝

abyssal gap; deep-sea trench

2. 情感深

be deeply attached to sb

3. 深緋

deep red; crimson

4. 有一米深

be one metre deep

5. 想得很深

think deeply about sth

6. 二十米深的井

well of 20 metres deep

7. 七英尺來深

about 7 feet deep

8. 齊膝深的水

knee-deep water

9. 齊脖子深的水

neck-deep water


1. 慢慢地,河流使小路越來越

Slowly, the river made the path deeper and deeper.

2. 大多數游泳池都有很的底部,在那潛水是安全的。

Most pools have deep ends where diving is safe.

3. 這在河床上形成了很的池塘,減緩了水流的速度。

This creates deep pools in the riverbed and slows the water down.

4. 我們選擇了較的顏色,因為它適合我們淺灰色的房子。

We chose a darker color because it would fit our light grey house.

5. 老一輩人喜歡顏色較的衣服。

The older generation prefer a darker clothing.

6. 隨著歲月的流逝,那份感情越來越

The feeling had deepened with the passing of time.

7. 這種植物的根系扎得很

The roots of this plant go deep.

8. 他對釣魚有很的癖好。

He shows a special liking to fishing. / His favourite hobby is fishing. / He has a fixation/a partiality/an inclination/a weakness for fishing. / He is very partial to fishing.

9. 他踩在齊踝的雪中。

He is standing in ankle-deep snow.

10. 她熱切真誠的態度給我們留下了很的印象。

We were all impressed by her earnest and sincere manner.




深圳,簡稱“深”,別稱鵬城,處廣東省南部,珠江口東岸,東臨大亞灣和大鵬灣;西瀕珠江口和伶仃洋;南邊深圳河與香港相連;北部與東莞、惠州兩城市接壤。深圳市是廣東省副省級市。全市總面積1952.84平方公里,深圳下轄9個行政區和1個新區,截至2021年末,深圳常住人口1768.16萬人。作為一座年輕的移民城市,深圳吸引了來自全球、全國的創新創業創意人才相聚在此工作和生活。第七次中國人口普查結果顯示,深圳市民平均年齡為32.5歲。 深圳著名的院校有深圳大學、南方科技大學等。 深圳的著名旅遊景點有梧桐山風景名勝區、深圳市野生動物園等。 深圳之名始見史籍於明朝永樂八年(1410年),清朝初年建墟,1979年成立深圳市,1980年成為中國設立的第一個經濟特區,中國改革開放的視窗和新興移民城市。



形詞 deep

1. 這湖深不見底。

The depth of the lake was so great that we could not see the bottom.

2. 那一海域並不很深。

The sea is not very deep there.

3. 別到海水太深的地方去。

Don't go out of your depth in the sea.

4. 深呼吸/水塘

deep breath/pool

5. 深深地鞠了一躬

make a deep/low bow (to sb)

6. 深挖

dig deep into the earth

7. 深埋

bury sth deep

名詞 depth

1. 這口井有多深?

What is the depth of the well?

2. 他踩在齊踝深的雪中。

He is standing in ankle-deep snow.

3. 二十米深的井

well of 20 metres deep

4. 測量水深

sound/plumb the depth of the water

形詞 abstruse; difficult

1. 這本書對他來說太深了。

The book is rather abstruse to him.

形詞 penetrating; thorough; in-depth

1. 想得很深

think deeply about sth

形詞 (of relations or feelings) close; intimate

1. 他倆的關係已經很深了。

The two of them are already quite intimate with each other.

形詞 (of colour) dark; deep; rich

1. 水越深,顏色也就越深。

The colour of water deepens with its depth.

2. 深藍/綠

dark blue/green

3. 深紅

dark/deep red; crimson

形詞 far on in the day, night, season, etc; late

1. 夜深了。

It was deep into the night.

副詞 very; greatly; deeply

1. 這部電影深受歡迎。

The film is going over big with audiences.

2. 他深陷愛河。

He is head over heels in love.

3. 深有同感

share similar feelings; feel very much the same

4. 深陷債務

be deep in debt

5. 深為感激/遺憾

be profoundly grateful/regretful

6. 深受觀眾喜愛

be greatly favoured by the audience

7. 深受感動

be deeply moved; be greatly touched

8. 深感失望

be very much disappointed

9. 深感不安

be greatly disturbed; be very much worried

10. 深表同情

show deep/profound sympathy

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