願望的英文 願望用英語怎麼說?
aspiration n.願望;抱負;傳送氣音;吸引;抽吸
desire n.渴望;慾望;願望;強烈的性慾
wish v.希望;但願;想要;祝願;盼望;許願;默默盼禱;企求;要求…做某事;祝(某人)(成功
常用 權威
1. 政治願望
political will
2. 違背願望
go against one's wish
3. 說出願望
voice the wishes (of)
4. 遷就願望
humour sb's desire
5. 服從願望
obey sb's will
6. 代表願望
represent the aspirations (of)
7. 願望競爭者
desired competitors
8. 主觀願望
subjective wishes; wishful thinking;subjective desire
9. 共同願望
the common aspiration
10. 尊重願望
respect one's wishes
11. 反映願望
give expression (to)
12. 迫切的願望
fervent wish
13. 良善的願望
good wishes
14. 重新燃起願望
rekindle one's aspiration
15. 強烈的願望
strong desire;a burning desire
16. 復仇的願望
desire for revenge
17. 向…提出願望
lay one's wishes (before)
18. 體現了…的願望
embody the aspiration (of)
1. 它們反映了他們長久以來的願望。
They mirror their long-cherished wishes.
2. 它們沒有反映年輕女孩們的願望。
They do not reflect young girls' aspirations.
3. 為所有人設法得到更好生活的願望。
A desire to secure a better life for all.
4. 不願意立即滿足他們的願望。
Unwillingness to satisfy their wishes immediately.
5. 他恢復健康的願望。
His desire to regain health.
6. 她強烈的分享願望。
Her strong wish to share.
7. 符合人民的願望。
Meets the aspiration of its people.
8. 如果你一口氣把這一切都吹走,你的願望就會實現!
If you blow all of it off in one breath, your wish will come true!
9. 她表達了成為舞者的強烈願望,並乞求展示她的舞蹈。
She expressed her strong wish to be a dancer and begged (乞求) to show her dance.
10. 它就會有強烈的願望,禁止關閉自己的開關,來確保成功。
It will have a strong desire to secure success by disabling its own off switch.
名詞 aspiration; desire; wish
1. 傑出的人有著目標,其他人只有願望。
Great minds have purpose, others have wishes.
2. 我的願望實現了。
My wish has come true. / I have got my wish.
3. 全中國人民的願望
the aspiration of all the Chinese people
4. 主觀願望
subjective desire
5. 政治願望
political will
6. 強烈的願望
a burning desire
7. 共同願望
the common aspiration
8. 向…提出願望
lay one's wishes (before)
9. 從團結的願望出發
start from the desire for unity
10. 轉達願望
convey sb's will/wish
11. 尊重願望
respect one's wishes
12. 違背願望
go against one's wish
13. 體現了…的願望
embody the aspiration (of)
14. 說出願望
voice the wishes (of)
15. 實現願望
carry out/attain/accomplish/fulfil/realize one's desire; realize sb's aspiration
16. 遷就願望
humour sb's desire
17. 滿足願望
grant sb's wishes; satisfy/gratify/oblige/meet one's desire; meet the desire (of)
18. 懷有……的願望
conceive/harbour a desire to do sth
19. 符合人民的願望
accord with the aspiration of the people
20. 服從願望
obey sb's will
21. 反映願望
give expression (to)
22. 代表願望
represent the aspirations (of)
23. 不顧某人的願望
disregard the wish (of); override sb's wish
24. 表示…的願望
indicate/manifest/show a desire to do sth
25. 表達願望
express a wish/desire (to do sth); give desire