提到的英文 提到用英語怎麼說?
refer to 提及, 談起;涉及, 相關
mention v.提到;說起;提及;推薦
touch v.觸;接觸;觸及;處理;改變;影響;起作用;觸動;涉及;感動
1. 特別提到
with particular reference to
2. 提到議事日程上
put sth on the agenda
3. 把某事提到議事日程上
put sth on the agenda
1. 我提到了一個有四個孩子的單親家長在組織演。
I mention the single parent with four kids running the show.
2. 文中四次提到紅色。
The color red is mentioned four times in the text.
3. 文中提到的蕨類和竹類的區別在於它們的生長。
The difference between the fern and the bamboo mentioned in the passage is their growth .
4. 第3段中提到的專家傾向於花大部分時間工作。
The specialists mentioned in Paragraph 3 tend to spend most time working.
5. 只要你遵循上面提到的,你就會有一個美好的假期。
As long as you follow what is mentioned above, you will have a wonderful vacation.
6. 朱迪思·霍爾提到開車是為了證明思考會分散注意力。
Judith Hall mentions driving to show that reflection can be distracting.
7. 提到一條斷裂的腳踏車鏈條是想說明學生缺乏動手能力。
A broken bike chain is mentioned to show students' lack of practical ability.
8. 在第3段中提到Macrib是為了表明稀有通常會增加快樂。
Macrib is mentioned in paragraph 3 to show that rarity generally increases pleasure.
9. 正如幾年前有人在這篇論文中提到的,他們吃很棒的食物,而且從不發胖。
As someone noted in this paper a couple of ago, they eat great food and never gain weight.
10. 每當提到他的名字她就會紅臉。
She blushes every time his name is mentioned.
提到,漢語詞語,讀作“tí dào”,指提及,說及,說到,亦指提升到。