省的英文 省用英語怎麼說?
omit v.省略;刪除;排除;忽略;遺漏
leave out 忽略, 不考慮;漏掉, 遺漏
economize v.節省;節儉
save v.救助;搭救;挽救;積攢;儲蓄;節省;阻止對方得;阻止對方贏得;儲存;減少
abbreviate v.縮寫;節略
inspect v.檢查;審視;視察
ask after 打聽;問問;問候
be aware 發覺;注意到;意識到
province n.省;範圍;領域;北愛爾蘭;教省;行省;京都大邑以外的地方;外省;外地
provincial capital 省會
常用 權威
1. 省代表隊
provincial team
2. 省時間
save time
3. 省著用
use sparingly
1. 省一便士就是賺一便士。
A penny saved is a penny earned.
2. 家裡的事我可一點兒都省不了心。
I can never free myself from all the worries at home.
3. 省點兒勁兒,明天還要苦幹一場呢。
Save your energy for tomorrow’s hard work.
4. 我設法省錢,但就是省不下。
I tried to save money; but I just couldn’t.
5. 一些省的超市已經開始把這些奶粉下架了。
Supermarkets in some provinces had started to pull the milk powder off shelves.
6. 怎麼省便就怎麼做吧。
Just take the easiest way to do it. / Just do it in the easiest way.
7. 給員工工資省下來的錢與增加的維修費相抵了。
The savings on staff wages are offset by the increased maintenance costs.
8. 這樣可以省很多事。
We can make it much simpler this way.
9. 我們不能省暖氣費,因為孩子們需要暖和的房子。
We can’t economize on the central heating because the children need a warm house.
10. 這些字不能省。
These words cannot be omitted.
動詞 omit; leave out
1. 這些字不能省。
These words cannot be omitted.
2. 那將給我們省去許多麻煩。
That will save us a lot of trouble.
動詞 economize; save
1. 我們不能省暖氣費,因為孩子們需要暖和的房子。
We can't economize on the central heating because the children need a warm house.
2. 省點兒勁兒,明天還要苦幹一場呢。
Save your energy for tomorrow's hard work.
3. 既省工又省料
economize on labour as well as materials
4. 省著用
use sparingly
5. 省時間
save time
動詞 abbreviate
名詞 province
1. 省裡來人了。
Officials from the provincial government have come.
2. 河北省
Hebei Province
3. 東北三省
three provinces in the northeastern part of China
4. 省屬院校
province-managed colleges and universities
5. 省級幹部
province-level official
6. 省代表隊
provincial team
名詞 provincial capital
1. 去省裡開會
go to the provincial capital for a meeting
2. 抵省
arrive in the provincial capital
動詞 inspect
動詞 examine oneself
動詞 visit (one's parents/elders); ask after
動詞 become conscious; be aware