嚴格的英文 嚴格用英語怎麼說?
strict adj.嚴格的;嚴厲的;嚴謹的;嚴密的;精確的;嚴格依照戒律的;不折不扣的
rigorous adj.嚴密的;縝密的;精確的;苛刻的;嚴格的;對信仰(或意見、做法)嚴格堅持的;耗體力的;嚴酷的
rigid adj.不彎曲的;堅硬的;定型的;固定的;刻板的;僵硬的;僵化的;一成不變的;固執僵化的
stringent adj.嚴格的;嚴厲的;精確的;嚴密的
常用 權威
1. 嚴格把關
make strict checks on sth
2. 嚴格審查
meticulously examine
3. 嚴格受訓
be under perfect discipline
4. 經受嚴格檢驗
stand a severe proof
5. 嚴格的紀律
firm discipline
6. 嚴格維持紀律
rigidly maintain discipline
7. 嚴格的標準
exacting standard
8. 實行嚴格控制
impose strict controls (over)
9. 受到嚴格訓練
be trained with great rigour
10. 嚴格的校紀
strict school discipline
11. 經受嚴格的考驗
stand a severe test
12. 嚴格的審批程式
strict approval procedure
13. 嚴格保守的秘密
closely-guarded secret; close secret
14. (嚴格)遵守先後次序
observe precedence strictly
1. 這張機票有嚴格的禁止轉讓政策。
The ticket had a strict no-transfer (不可轉讓) policy.
2. 因為每門課都有嚴格的人數限制。
Because there is a strict limit on numbers for each class.
3. 恐怕我們必須嚴格限制你的飲食。
I'm afraid we have to put you on a strict diet.
4. 聯邦通訊委員應該受到嚴格的監督。
The FCC should be put under strict supervision.
5. 過於嚴格的標準往往會失效。
Overly strict standards often fail.
6. 如今,我們對移民的態度要嚴格得多。
Today, we are much more rigid about immigrants.
7. 應該嚴格按照說明使用它們。
They should be used by strictly following instructions.
8. 記者需要更嚴格的行業法規。
Journalists need stricter industrial regulations.
9. 獨生子女家庭的孩子需要嚴格的管理。
Children from one-child families need strict rules.
10. 他繼續透露了關於員工銷售的嚴格準則。
He goes on to disclose the strict guidelines around the employee sales.
嚴格(拼音:yán gé)形容遵守或執行規定、規則十分認真、不偏離原則、不容馬虎。
嚴格,是都市言情偶像劇《夏家三千金》《愛情真善美》第一號男主角。建築史專業,國外留學,層峰建設總經理。在劇中都是第一集出場。嚴格是天美的丈夫。 嚴格在劇中由中國臺灣演員邱澤飾演。
形詞 strict; rigorous; rigid; stringent
1. 那所學校入學要求很嚴格。
That school is very selective about its enrolment.
2. 這是法律所嚴格禁止的。
The law strictly forbids it.
3. 受到嚴格訓練
be trained with great rigour
4. 經受嚴格的考驗
stand a severe test
5. 對質量嚴格把關
make strict checks to guarantee the quality
6. 對新的專案進行嚴格控制
apply a tight check/rein on new projects
7. 嚴格遵守合同
keep to the letter of the contract
8. 嚴格執行規章制度
rigorously enforce rules and regulations; strictly observe rules
9. 嚴格要求自己
make strict demands on oneself; be strict with oneself
10. 嚴格說來
strictly speaking; in the strict sense
11. 嚴格審查
meticulously examine
12. 嚴格履行合同
strictly implement the terms of the contract; carry out the contract to the letter
13. 嚴格服從上司
rigidly/strictly obey one's superiors
14. 嚴格按章辦事
handle strictly in accordance with the provisions
15. 嚴格的訓練
rigorous/strict training
16. 嚴格的紀律
firm discipline
17. 嚴格的規章制度
rigid/stringent/strict rules and regulations
18. 嚴格的標準
exacting standard
動詞 rigorously enforce; regulate strictly
1. 嚴格組織紀律
rigidly enforce the discipline of the organization