騎車的英文 騎車用英語怎麼說?
ride a bike 騎腳踏車;騎單車
cycle n.迴圈;整套;系列;腳踏車;三輪車;周;週期;工作迴圈;組詩;組劇
1. 相反,\騎車上班\可降低汙染。
Conversely, \cycle to work\ days have done their job by creating pollution lows.
2. 速度騎車者必須重小於109公斤。
Speeder riders must weigh less than 109 kg.
3. 他很擅長騎車
He is so good at it that he can ride a bicycle in traffic.
4. 每天早上他5點醒來,騎車40分鐘到一家酒店。
Every morning, he woke up at 5 a.m., cycling 40 minutes to a hotel.
5. 騎車之前先檢查一下車閘。
Check the brakes before you ride.
6. 騎車大撒把是很危險的。
It is very dangerous to ride a bicycle with your hands off the handlebars.
7. 不應 當騎車帶人。
It is impermissible to give a bicycle lift to anybody.
8. 你騎車騎得忒慢。
You are riding the bicycle so slowly.
9. 他倆騎車並行。
They two were cycling abreast.
10. 他因為長時間騎車而感到全身疼痛。
He was sore from the long ride.