禁止的英文 禁止用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-03



prohibit v.禁止;禁止某人做某事;阻止;使不可能

ban v.禁止;取締;把…逐出

forbid v.不許;禁止;不準…做某事;禁止(或不準)…進入;使…成為不可能;阻止;制止

常用 權威



1. 禁止集會

prohibit an assembly

2. 禁止性進口稅

prohibitive import duties

3. 禁止打獵

ban hunting

4. 禁止販毒

prohibit drug traffic

5. 禁止宗教

proscribe a religion

6. 禁止核試驗

ban nuclear test

7. 禁止賭博

forbid gambling; ban gambling

8. 禁止性關稅

prohibitive tariff

9. 禁止吸毒

prohibit drug abuse

10. 嚴令禁止

be strictly forbidden by orders

11. 禁止游泳

prohibit swimming; no swimming

12. 禁止某種做法

forbid a practice

13. 禁止影視暴力

curb film and television violence

14. 禁止使用毒氣

ban the use of gas

15. 倡議禁止試驗核武器

advocate a nuclear test ban

16. 禁止紅燈右轉彎

no (right) turn on red

17. 禁止一切金融往來

block all financial dealings (with)


1. 這張機票有嚴格的禁止轉讓政策。

The ticket had a strict no-transfer (不可轉讓) policy.

2. 它還禁止播放暴飲暴食的電視節目。

It also bans TV programs about overeating and overdrinking.

3. 禁止基於員工身體形象的歧視。

Banning discrimination on the basis of employees' body image.

4. 約半個市中心將禁止汽車通行。

About half of its city center will be closed to cars.

5. 廣告商願意實施DNT(禁止追蹤)。

Advertisers are willing to implement DNT.

6. 我的醫院系統已經禁止含糖飲料進入。

My own hospital system has banned sugary drinks from its facilities.

7. \禁止追蹤\也許不能取得預期目標。

DNT may not serve its intended purpose.

8. 這些規定旨在禁止黑色圖案。

The regulations aim to ban dark patterns.

9. 他們禁止出售不新鮮的食物。

They prohibit the sale of foods that have gone stale.

10. 誠然,英國的城鎮並沒有被禁止申請。

Britain's towns, it is true, are not prevented from applying.



禁止(拼音:jìn zhǐ),漢語詞語,本義是指不准許,不許可,不允許。



動詞 prohibit; ban; forbid

1. 這條街禁止車輛通行。

This street is closed to traffic.

2. 該國禁止這種試驗。

The country outlaws this kind of experiment.

3. 該影片經審查禁止上映。

The film came under the ban of the censor.

4. 禁止通行。

No passing.

5. 禁止停車。

No parking.

6. 禁止設攤。

No pedlar. / Do not set up stands here.

7. 禁止入內。

No admittance. / No trespassing.

8. 此處禁止倒垃圾。

No garbage here. / Do not leave garbage here.

9. 辦公大樓裡禁止吸菸。

Smoking is prohibited in this office building. / There is a ban on smoking in this office building.

10. 禁止性進口稅

prohibitive import duties

11. 禁止性關稅

prohibitive tariff

12. 宣佈30天禁止狩獵

announce a 30-day ban on hunting

13. 終生禁止

lifetime ban; be banned for life

14. 禁止游泳

prohibit swimming; no swimming

15. 禁止影視暴力

curb film and television violence

16. 禁止使用地雷/化學武器

ban (the use of) mines/chemical weapons

17. 禁止食品輸出

impose an embargo on the exportation of food stuffs

18. 禁止酒類進口

put a ban on the import of alcohol

19. 禁止核試驗

ban nuclear test

20. 禁止販毒

prohibit drug traffic

21. 禁止出售

ban/forbid/prohibit the sale (of sth)
