困的英文 困用英語怎麼說?
surround v.圍繞;環繞;包圍;與…有關
besiege v.圍攻;包圍;圍困;擁在…周圍;糾纏;被(大量要求或抱怨)擾得應接不暇
hem in 包圍在...;限制在...;邊緣在...
encircle v.環繞;圍繞;包圍
sleep n.睡眠;睡覺;眼屎;眼眵;長眠;寂靜;靜止;死;一夜;一夜之眠
difficult adj.困難的;費勁的;難懂的;艱難的;難對付的;有問題的;難以取悅的;挑剔的
hard adj.堅實的;牢固的;堅硬的;猛烈的;沉重的;難以忍受的;困苦的;可靠的;確鑿無疑的;真實的;有力的;強烈的;含無機鹽的;軟顎爆破音
poverty-stricken adj.貧困不堪的;極度貧窮的;赤貧的
tired adj.疲倦的;疲勞的;累的;厭倦的;厭煩的;陳舊的;不新鮮的;用舊了的;陳腐的
sleepy adj.想睡的;瞌睡的;睏倦的;死氣沉沉的;使人想睡的;催眠的;不活躍的;沒有活力的;呆滯的
常用 權威
1. 邁克的一個問題:我經常在午飯後感到有點困。
A problem from Mike: I often feel a little sleepy after lunch.
2. 你困
Take a nap if you are tired.
3. 他的工作把他困在城裡了。
His job kept him city-bound.
4. 那天夜已經很深了,他又困又累。
It was late at night and he was tired and sleepy.
5. 因為你熬夜了,所以現在這麼困。
If you hadn't stayed up so late, you wouldn't be so sleepy now.
6. 彷彿過了很久,我給困在石壁上了.
After what seemed a long time I was trapped in the rock.
7. 我們可以派遣專家對紓困進行管理。
We could send in the experts to manage our bail-out.
8. 我覺得困,因為我必須留結婚。
I feel trapped because I must stay married.
9. 要把我困在這無形的枷鎖之中…
To keep me in there, the invisible handcuffs .
10. 你不能就這樣把我困在這裡。
You can't just have me stranded here.
困,讀音為kùn ,是漢語漢字,筆順7畫,全包圍結構,釋義為陷入艱難痛苦中而無法擺脫;想睡覺;圍困;艱難;疲乏。組詞有“困難”“困獸猶鬥”。 相關古文有“六四:困蒙,吝。”出自《第四卦-蒙卦》。
動詞 be stranded; be hard-pressed
1. 被難題所困
be puzzled by a difficult question
2. 為病所困
be afflicted with illness
3. 困在車上
be stranded in the car
4. 困居異鄉
be left stranded in a foreign land
動詞 surround; besiege; hem in; encircle
1. 我們要被困在這兒多久?
How long are we going to stay cooped up in here?
2. 被雨困在商店裡
be cooped up in a department store by the rain
3. 把敵人困死在據點裡
bottle up the enemy in their stronghold
形詞 difficult; hard; poverty-stricken
形詞 tired
形詞 sleepy
動詞 sleep