嚴厲的英文 嚴厲用英語怎麼說?
stern adj.嚴厲的;認真的;不屈從的;嚴格的;嚴峻的;嚴酷的
severe adj.非常的;嚴重的;嚴厲的;苛刻的;非常樸素的;極大的;極高的
常用 權威
1. 嚴厲報復
take a terrible revenge
2. 措辭嚴厲
be couched in harsh terms
3. 嚴厲懲罰
punish sb with severity
4. 態度嚴厲
be stern in manner
5. 嚴厲譴責
severely condemn; sternly reprimand
6. 辭色嚴厲
severe in speech and countenance
7. 目光嚴厲
stern look
8. 嚴厲訓斥
harshly rebuke; sternly reprimand
9. 受到嚴厲批評
come in for severe criticism
10. 嚴厲訓誡學生
admonish students very sternly
11. 採取嚴厲措施
take drastic measures
12. 嚴厲的處罰
stiff penalty
13. 嚴厲的質詢
rigid enquiry
14. 嚴厲的批評
severe criticism
15. 嚴厲的教誨
stern admonition
16. 嚴厲的談話
scathing remarks
1. 市政府官員隨後決定採取嚴厲措施。
The city officials then decided to take drastic action.
2. 對未來律師的嚴厲考驗。
The stern exam for would-be lawyers.
3. 當老師嚴厲批評他時,他感到驚訝和難過。
When a teacher criticized him strictly, he felt surprised and sad.
4. 他們的所作所為應受到嚴厲懲罰。
They should be severely punished for what they have done.
5. 在家裡,父親對他們管教很嚴厲。
At home their father rules them with a rod of iron.
6. 他雖然外貌嚴厲,但心地和善。
With all the outward severity, he is kind at heart.
7. 他因失職受到上司的嚴厲申斥。
He received a stern rebuke from his superiors for a breach of duty. / He was harshly rebuked by his superiors for a breach of duty.
8. 他表面嚴厲,其實心地很好。
Underneath his rather severe manner, he is very kind-hearted.
9. 沉默有時是最嚴厲的批評。
Silence is sometimes the severest criticism.
10. 這麼嚴厲的批評他吃不消。
He couldn’t withstand such severe criticism.
嚴厲(英文:stern),讀音yán lì,漢語詞語。指嚴肅厲害,不寬容。例句有“老師的嚴厲斥責,讓他不知所錯”。 相關古文有“崇之以幹能顯,為政尚嚴厲,官至冠軍將軍、東陽太守。”出自《梁書·蕭景傳》。近義詞有嚴峻、肅穆、嚴苛。反義詞有慈祥、和藹、慈愛。
形詞 stern; severe
1. 在家裡,父親對他們管教很嚴厲。
At home their father rules them with a rod of iron.
2. 他們的所作所為應受到嚴厲懲罰。
They should be severely punished for what they have done.
3. 他雖然外貌嚴厲,但心地和善。
With all the outward severity, he is kind at heart.
4. 對某人嚴厲
be stern to sb; be heavy on/with sb; be severe upon sb
5. 嚴厲制裁
apply stern/severe sanctions (against a country, etc)
6. 嚴厲聲討
sternly/strongly denounce sb
7. 嚴厲譴責
blast a denunciation; denounce sb bitterly/hotly
8. 嚴厲的談話
scathing remarks
9. 嚴厲的批評
severe criticism
10. 嚴厲的處罰
stiff penalty
11. 嚴厲斥責/訓斥
severely scold sb; give sb a sharp scolding
12. 嚴厲懲罰
punish sb with severity
13. 態度嚴厲
be stern in manner
14. 說話聲音嚴厲
speak in a very stern voice
15. 目光嚴厲
stern look
16. 採取嚴厲措施
take drastic measures