鬼的英文 鬼用英語怎麼說?
ghost n.鬼;鬼魂;靈魂;虛幻的;實際不存在的;微弱痕跡;隱約的一絲;幽靈;重影
spirit n.精神;心靈;心;心智;精神實質;氣質;特質;核心精神;烈性酒
apparition n.幽靈;人的幽靈般的幻影;出現;顯形;特異景象
sinister plot 陰謀
dirty trick n.不誠實行為;惡行;卑鄙手段;詆譭對手的陰險行為
devil n.魔王;撒旦;究竟;到底;扯碎機;切碎機;助手;魔鬼
dishonest adj.不誠實的;欺騙性的;有意誤導的;用以騙人的
improper adj.不合標準的;不正當的;不得體的;不恰當的;不謙虛的;不莊重的;不體面的
illicit adj.違法的;違規的;違禁的;傷風敗俗的
furtive adj.偷偷摸摸的;鬼鬼祟祟的;秘密的;遮遮掩掩的;心虛的
illegitimate adj.不合法的;非法的;違規的;私生的
terrible adj.可怖的;駭人的;可怕的;恐怖的;非常糟糕的;很差勁的;非常令人不快的;極不在行的;令人討厭的;糟透的
horrible adj.可怕的;恐怖的;令人震驚的;令人厭惡的;極不合意的
horrid adj.恐怖的;可怕的;崎嶇不平的;毛髮直立的;令人厭惡的;極不合意的
damnable adj.該死的;討厭的;應受天譴的
confounded adj.討厭的;該死的
clever adj.聰明的;伶俐的;健壯的;健康的;靈巧的;機敏的;熟練的;有才能的;明智的
smart adj.整潔的;衣著得體的;聰明的;迅速的;輕快的;漂亮的;時髦的;表面光亮的;新的
quick adj.快的;迅速的;急速的;匆匆的;理解得快的;反應快的;學得快的;聰明的;有才智的;短暫的
常用 權威
1. 賴皮鬼
utterly shameless person
2. 馬面鬼
horse-faced demons
3. 慳吝鬼
miser; niggard; skinflint
4. 短命鬼
short-lived person
5. 促狹鬼
mischievous fellow/person; mischief
6. 嗇刻鬼
7. 鬼傘屬
8. 三分像人,七分像鬼
look more like a ghost than a human being
9. 當面是人,背後是鬼
act one way to your face and another behind your back—be double-faced
10. 日間不做虧心事,夜半不怕鬼敲門
he who has not sinned against others by day need not be scared by a knock on the door at night—a clear conscience makes a soft pillow; a quiet conscience sleeps in thunder
11. 白天不做虧心事, 夜裡不怕鬼敲門
a quiet conscience sleeps in (the midst of) thunder; a clear conscience is a soft pillow
1. 張先生無意間看到一群人在做\鬼洗牌\的套路。
Mr. Zhang saw a group of people doing the \ghost shuffle\ routine by accident.
2. 生平不做虧心事,夜半不怕鬼敲門。
If you have had a clear conscience all your life, you need not fear a knock at the door at midnight.
3. 我不會去傷害他,尤其不會去背後搗他的鬼。
I wouldn’t do anything to hurt him and least of all would I play dirty tricks behind his back.
4. 他們在背後搞我的鬼,對經理說我上午沒上班。
They played a dirty trick on me when they told the manager that I hadn’t been at work this morning.
5. 這該死的鬼地方,讓老天毀了它吧!
Damn and blast this awful place!
6. 我們真是這樣一群難以合作的牢騷鬼嗎?
Have we really been such a bunch of miseries to work with?
7. 鬼的出現是不好的徵兆。
The ghost's appearance was an ill omen.
8. 他們念禱詞以使大廳裡的人免於被鬼附身。
They said prayers to protect the people inside the hall from demonic possession.
9. 這是個溼冷的鬼夜晚。
It's a nasty old night.
10. 到底有什麼鬼事情?
What the heck's the matter?
鬼(guǐ),象形字,一般指某些宗教或迷信的人所說的人死後的靈魂。 一些邪靈、魔鬼、妖怪、吸血鬼,以及不死生物等其他在恐怖片出現的怪物,和一些宗教神話、民間傳說和都市傳說的傳說生物,也常被稱之為“鬼”。
名詞 ghost; spirit; apparition
1. 聽說那棟房子鬧鬼。
The house is said to be haunted.
2. 你信鬼嗎?
Do you believe in ghosts?
3. 鬼故事
ghost story/tale
4. 驅鬼
lay a ghost
名詞 [term of contempt for certain kinds of people]
名詞 sinister plot; dirty trick
形詞 dishonest; improper; illicit; furtive; illegitimate
形詞 terrible; horrible; horrid; damnable; confounded
形詞 clever; smart; quick
名詞 [a term of endearment, esp for children] devil
名詞 gui [twenty-third of the twenty-eight constellations(二十八宿)in ancient Chinese astronomy]