喜愛的英文 喜愛用英語怎麼說?
like prep.像;相似;類似;例如;好比;如同;符合…的方式;能料想到的;有…特點的
love n.愛;熱愛;所愛之人;零分;零;愛情;戀愛;喜愛;愛好;性愛
enjoy v.享受的樂趣;喜愛;欣賞;享有;受益於;過得愉快;玩得開心;玩個痛快吧;盡情享受吧
be fond of 喜歡;喜好
be keen on 熱衷於...;渴望...;樂於...
take pleasure in 以…為樂事
常用 權威
1. 喜愛音樂
delight in music; love music
1. 釣魚是中年人最喜愛的活動之一。
Fishing is one of the most popular activities among the middle-aged people.
2. 最近,移動支付受到許多人的喜愛。
More recently, mobile payment is liked by many people.
3. 他們喜愛他,將其視若珍寶。
They loved him and regarded him as their treasure.
4. 同伴的喜愛
Likability by peers also had a modest effect on academic performance.
5. 今天,許多冬奧會專案甚至受到孩子們的喜愛。
Today, many winter Olympic sports are enjoyed even by children.
6. 我們對自己沒有信心,並希望被每個人所喜愛。
We are unsure of ourselves and want to be liked by everyone.
7. 他的畫受到許多人喜愛,因為他畫的動物很生動。
His paintings were loved by many because the animals he painted were so alive.
8. 檢查每一個物品,看看它是否能激發你的喜愛之情。
You examine each item to see if it sparks joy.
9. 法國受人喜愛的大教堂離徹底毀滅只有幾分鐘的時間。
France's beloved cathedral only minutes away from complete destruction.
10. 我嘗試在圖書館工作,但發現我並未真正喜愛那份工作。
I tried the library, but found I wasn't really keen on working there.
唱片名稱:《喜愛》 年代: 1994年 藝人: 譚詠麟(Alan Tam) 唱片型別: 粵語專輯 出品公司: 寶麗金 唱片編號: 522-920-2
動詞 like; love; enjoy; be fond of; be keen on; take pleasure in; have a liking for
1. 我讀書是出於喜愛。
I read for the love of it.
2. 他非常喜愛他的小兒子。
He is very attached to/fond of his youngest son.
3. 隨年齡增長,他對繪畫越來越喜愛。
Painting grew on him as he grew older.
4. 惹人喜愛
be adorable/lovable
5. 喜愛孩子/運動
love children/sports
6. 喜愛古典音樂/現代藝術
dote on classical music/modern art
7. 喜愛戶外活動
have a liking for outdoor activities; be keen on outdoor activities
8. 喜愛動物/花卉/戲劇
be fond of animals/flowers/opera
9. 喜愛打網球/籃球
enjoy playing tennis/basketball