距離的英文 距離用英語怎麼說?
distance n.距離;間距;賽程的全長;遠處;遠方;遙遠;間隔;遠離;冷漠;攻擊距離
常用 權威
1. 遠距離拾波
remote pickup
2. 長距離輸電
long-distance power transmission
3. 短距離起落
short take-off and landing (STOL)
4. 探測距離
measure a distance; range
5. 攻擊距離
attack/striking distance
6. 夜視距離
night visual/vision range
7. 測距離
measure a distance
8. 長距離飛行
make a long-distance flight
9. 最近距離
the shortest distance
10. 調整距離
adjust the distance
11. 目測距離
estimate the distance with eyes
12. 審美距離
aesthetic distance
13. 量距離
measure a distance; range
14. 遠距離讀卡器
remote card reader
15. 跨度距離
span length
16. 視線距離
line-of-sight distance; optical range
17. 測定距離
measure a distance; range
18. 垂直距離
length of perpendiculars; vertical distance
19. 殺傷距離
killing range
20. 短距離運輸
short-distance transport; short haul
1. 隨著距離的增加,理解也增加了。
As proximity increases, so does understanding.
2. 它拉近了汽車與普通人的距離。
It brought cars closer towards the reach of ordinary people.
3. 資訊第一次以電子方式遠距離傳送。
For the first time, messages were sent electronically across great distances.
4. 逐漸增加時間、距離和強度。
Increase time, distance, and intensity gradually.
5. 這是我們測量距離的標準。
It is the standard by which we measure our distances.
6. 接下來,我開始從安全的距離觀察螞蟻。
Next I began to watch ants from a safe distance.
7. 這些照片是在離火星不同的距離拍攝的。
The pictures were taken at different distances from Mars.
8. 每天增加半英里的距離。
With each day, increase the distance by a half mile.
9. 你可能要走一段距離。
You may have to cover some distance.
10. 超過10%的受訪者謊報了他們的駕駛距離。
Over 10% of the respondents lied about the distance they drove.
動詞 be apart/away from
1. 距離首都五十里
50 li from the capital
名詞 distance
1. 在這個問題上我們的看法有很大的距離。
We are sharply divided on this issue.
2. 一個好的駕駛員必須善於判斷距離。
A good driver must have a good perception of distance.
3. 該學校離這兒有一段距離。
The school is some distance away.
4. 遠距離
good/long distance
5. 平均距離
average/mean distance
6. 近距離
close/short distance
7. 垂直/水平距離
vertical/horizontal distance
8. 調整距離
adjust the distance
9. 擴大/縮短距離
increase/shorten the distance (between)
10. 計算距離
compute/calculate the distance
11. 估計距離
span/estimate a distance
12. 保持距離
maintain/keep some space (between two driving cars)
13. 測量距離
take/measure the distance