激動的英文 激動用英語怎麼說?
excite v.使激動;使興奮;刺激;引起;激起;激發;激勵;激起…的性慾
agitate v.使不安;使緊張;攪動;鼓動;煽動
stir v.攪拌;攪和;移動;微動;煽動;挑起;打動;刺激;挑撥;惹是生非
常用 權威
1. 激動人心
stirring; exciting; moving; thrilling
2. 激動起來
get keyed up
3. 激動地說
speak in an agitated tone
4. 分外激動
extremely excited; overexcited
5. 抑制激動
restrain one's excitement
6. 激動得抽搐
be convulsed with emotion
7. 掩飾激動的表情
sleek over one's agitated expression
8. 激動得流下眼淚
be moved to tears
9. 激動得不亦樂乎
be extremely excited
10. 激動地情不自禁叫起來
shout beside oneself with excitement
1. 但她太激動了,根本不在意疼痛。
But she was too excited to care about the pain.
2. 看到她父親的筆跡,她很激動。
She was excited to see her father's handwriting.
3. 當他給我回信時,我非常激動。
I was so excited when he wrote back to me.
4. 這次經歷最令人激動的是那種超乎尋常的場景。
What is so breathtaking about the experience is the out-of-this-world scenes.
5. 聽到這個激動人心的訊息後,她激動得熱淚盈眶。
After hearing the exciting news, she got so excited that her eyes were filled with tears.
6. 格林先生剛才給我們講了一個非常激動人心的故事。
Mr. Green told us a very exciting story just now.
7. \重聚是激動人心的,\邵說,他現在已經六十多歲了。
\The reunion (重聚) was emotional,\ said Shao, who is over sixty himself now.
8. 作為最激動人心的運動之一,排球於1964年被列入奧運會專案。
As one of the most exciting sports, volleyball was included in the Olympic Games in 1964.
9. 曾經令人激動和帶來新奇的東西到手後不過像老舊的禮帽,懊惱悄然而至。
What was once exciting and new becomes old-hat; regret creeps in.
10. 見到久別的媽媽,他倍感激動。
He felt especially excited at seeing his mother that he had not met for a long time.
激動不已意思指情緒激動:令人興奮|興奮地跳了起來不止,繼續不停的興奮 2.豈非。 3.不得已。
動詞 excite; be/get excited (about/over/at sth); agitate; stir
1. 這是我一時激動說的話,請別放在心上。
The remark was made in the heat of the moment. Please don't take it to heart.
2. 這個小女孩愛激動。
The little girl is easily excited.
3. 請別激動。
Don't excite yourself, please.
4. 成功的喜悅使他非常激動。
He was very excited with joy at the success.
5. 激動地走來走去
walk to and fro in agitation
6. 激動地說
speak in an agitated tone
7. 情緒激動
be heated with passion; be hot with emotion
8. 激動得說不出話來
be too excited to say anything
9. 激動得流下眼淚
be moved to tears
10. 激動得發抖
feel a quiver of excitement; thrill with excitement
11. 激動萬分
be beside oneself with excitement; be immensely excited
12. 激動起來
get keyed up
13. 激動不安
be in a fever of impatience; be in an agitated state
14. 抑制激動
restrain one's excitement
15. 掩飾內心的激動
conceal one's inner excitement/agitation
16. 感到一陣激動
have an excitement/a thrill
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