承認的英文 承認用英語怎麼說?
admit v.承認;允許…進入;准許…進入;容許有;使有權進入;為…辦理入院手續;允許(某人;國家;組織)加入;允許…分享特權
acknowledge v.接受;承認…的存在;公認…的事實;答理;理會;對…表示感謝;確認…的有效性;確認
recognize v.認出;認識;承認;確認;認可;識別;辨別;表彰;賞識;自動識別
accept v.接受;收受;相信;認為正確;承認;接納;認可;歡迎;讚許;同意承擔
常用 權威
1. 不予承認
deny recognition
2. 承認罪名
admit the charge
3. 不得不承認
admit grudgingly
4. 承認指控
admit the charge
5. 法律承認
de jure recognition
6. 非正式承認
informal recognition
7. 承認無知
confess one's ignorance;confess to one's ignorance
8. 外交承認
diplomatic recognition
9. 承認既成事實
accept a fait accompli
10. 承認現實
accept the reality;accept reality
11. 承認過失
acknowledge one's fault
12. 承認權力
acknowledge sb's authority
13. 硬逼承認
coerce admission
14. 承認誤殺
admit manslaughter
15. 承認主權
acknowledge the sovereignty (of)
16. 承認債務
recognize a claim
17. 有條件承認
conditional recognition
18. 羞愧地承認
blush to admit (that)
19. 不完全承認
incomplete recognition
20. 給予正式承認
give official recognition (to sb)
1. 14%的人承認不喜歡廚房工作。
14% admit to not enjoying kitchen work.
2. 他承認,練習確實能改變大腦。
Practice does change the brain, he allows.
3. 大學不願意承認今天的畢業生負債累累。
Colleges are reluctant to admit that graduates today are in heavier debt.
4. 我不得不承認,經常搬家讓我感到孤獨。
I had to admit that moving so often made me feel lonely.
5. 正如他自己承認的,他對待學習不是很認真。
As he himself admitted, he wasn't very serious about studying.
6. 我們承認人類對地球的操縱是一種破壞性力量。
We acknowledge that human manipulation of the Earth has been a destructive force.
7. St. Augustine承認他無法定義時間。
St. Augustine admitted his inability to define time.
8. 試著瞭解他或她現在的感受,如果你錯了,就承認。
Try to work out what he or she is feeling, and admit (承認) it if you were wrong.
9. 舒爾曼承認,對科學讀者來說,行話的使用是合適的。
Shulman concedes that the use of jargon is appropriate with scientific audiences.
10. 在聚會上,我承認我討厭我的工作,恨不得馬上離開。
During parties, I admit (承認) that I hate my job and can't wait to leave.
《承認》是由曲婉婷作詞、作曲並演唱的國語流行歌曲,於2012年1月1日發行,這首歌收錄在專輯《Everything In The World》中。 《承認》作為曲婉婷新專輯中第二波強力主打,唱片公司特別將《承認》的MV選在中國臺灣取景拍攝。
動詞 admit; acknowledge; recognize; accept
1. 我承認你有理。
I agree (that) you have a point.
2. 她承認自己是個膽小鬼。
She is a coward by her own admission.
3. 她辭職就等於承認失敗。
Her resignation amounted to an admission of failure.
4. 外交/相互承認
diplomatic/mutual recognition
5. 拒不承認
withhold/refuse recognition (of)
6. 給予承認
grant/give recognition
7. 得到承認
secure/achieve/gain/obtain/receive recognition (from sb); be recognized
8. 承認主權
acknowledge the sovereignty (of)
9. 承認指控
admit the charge
10. 承認債務
recognize a claim
11. 承認新國家/政府/政權
recognize a new state/government/regime
12. 承認現實
accept reality
13. 承認無知
confess one's ignorance
14. 承認事實
admit the fact/truth; accept reality
15. 承認失敗
acknowledge/admit/concede/confess defeat; confess/admit (to a) failure
16. 承認弱點
admit/confess to weakness
17. 承認搶劫/謀殺
admit to robbery/murder
18. 承認錯誤
admit/acknowledge one's mistake; admit/acknowledge/confess/avow one's fault