乾的英文 幹用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-01-26


shield n.盾;盾牌;盾形物;保護人;保護物;盾形獎牌;警察的盾形徽章;盾形紋章;地盾

waterside n.海濱;湖畔;河邊

waterfront n.濱海區;濱湖區;濱河區

trunk n.樹幹;軀幹;象鼻;大箱子;旅行箱;神經幹;大血管;電纜管道;通風管;汽車行李艙

main part 主要部分;主體部分;主要組成部分

body n.身體;軀體;軀幹;機構;社團;團體;物體;天體;醇度;屍體

cadre n.骨幹隊伍;核心;幹部

ability n.能力;才能;智力水平;才幹;技能

capability n.能力;才能;才幹;能力範圍;計算機效能;力量

competence n.能力;勝任;稱職;足以謀生的收入;技能;許可權;技巧;管轄權;反應能力;知識範圍

offend v.得罪;冒犯;犯罪;令人不快;違反

affront n.引起義憤的行動;侮辱;冒犯

violate v.違反;違背;性侵犯;擾亂;侵犯;褻瀆;玷汙;強姦

interrupt v.中止;中斷;打斷;打破…連續性;打岔;遮斷;阻礙

trouble n.困難;難題;動盪;騷亂;麻煩;機器故障;身體不適;工夫;力氣;引起擔心、不便的原因

interfere v.擾亂;干擾;參與;涉入;插手;干涉;進行性騷擾;光或其他電磁波)相互作用;相互干擾;碰踝;絆腳

have to do with 和…有關係

be concerned with 關切;關注;關心;牽涉到……;與……有關

empty adj.空的;不含東西的;無人(居住)的;空洞的;不會兌現的;無含義的;無價值的;空虛的;不含任何元(或元素)的

dry adj.乾的;乾爽的;不加掩飾的;赤裸裸的;冷麵的;不動聲色的;禁酒的;不甜的;嚴格的貨幣主義者的

do v.做;實現;完成;行動;行事;合適的;可接受的;痛打;殺死;起訴;宣告…有罪

work n.工作;勞動;職業;製作品;產品;工廠;活動機件;運轉機構;防禦工事;功;做功;需要的所有事物;全套事物

carry on 胡鬧, 大吵大鬧;發生性關係;繼續;從事, 履行;進行;開展;攜帶

be up to 勝任...; 取決於...;由...負責;忙於...;可達到...

work as 充當;擔任;作為

go in for 參加;愛好

fight v.打架;鬥毆;反對;爭吵;爭論;鬥嘴;擠出一條路;打;參;指揮

strike v.打;擊;突然降臨;侵襲;使突然想起;使突然想到;罷工;取消;刪除;勾銷;鑄造;衝制;壓出;發現;移動;行進;拆除;撤;把(枝)插進土裡生根;急拉釣線把魚鉤住

arid adj.乾旱的;乾燥的;少雨的;無雨的;過於乾燥而無法生長作物的;缺少興趣的;無興奮感的;無意義的

dried up 乾涸;停止提供;擦乾

exhausted adj.疲憊不堪的;筋疲力盡的;耗盡的;用光的

adopted adj.被收養的;被採用的

adoptive adj.收養關係的;遷入定居的;移居的

able adj.有能力的;聰明能幹的;有才幹的

capable adj.有能力的;有才能的;能勝任的;能幹的;有才幹的;可以…的;容許…的

vainly adv.徒勞地;白費力地;不成功地;無益地

helplessly adv.無助地;無能為力地

impotently adv.虛弱地; 無能為力地; 陽痿地

hollowly adv.空心地; 凹陷地; 不誠實地

falsely adv.虛偽地;錯誤地;不實地

常用 權威



1. 乾洗劑

dry-cleaner; dry-cleaning fluid

2. 幹紡機

dry spinning frame

3. 幹蘑菇

dried mushroom

4. 乾啤酒

dry beer; low carbohydrate beer

5. 幹革命

make revolution; do revolutionary work

6. 幹蔥頭

dry onion

7. 幹磨機

dry grinder; dry mill

8. 乾草垛

stack of hay

9. 幹磨削

dry abrasive cutting; dry grinding

10. 抹乾

wipe sth dry

11. 揩乾

wipe dry

12. 乾電池組

dry battery

13. 幹好事

do good deeds

14. 幹工作

perform a job; work

15. 神經幹

nerve cord

16. 蘋果乾

dried apple slices

17. 可勁幹

do one's utmost

18. 幹通宵

work all night

19. 幹紡紗

dry spinning yarn

20. 繼續幹下去

keep on working


1. 紙和金屬可以扔進\廢物\箱。

Paper and metal can be thrown into a \dry waste\ bin.

2. 但這並沒有阻止這三個女人開始大事。

But that didn't stop these three women from taking off and doing big things.

3. 胎面可以是厚的或薄的,溼的或的,或粘的。

The tread can be thick or thin, wet or dry, or sticky.

4. 有點,缺乏味道,但至少一隻翅膀沒有卡在我的喉嚨裡。

A little dry and lacking of taste, but at least a wing didn't get stuck in my throat.

5. 最後,任何不是溼的、可回收的或有害的垃圾都會被扔進\垃圾\垃圾箱。

Finally, any waste that is not wet, recyclable or harmful will go to the \dry waste\ bin.

6. 別人誣賴他了他從沒幹過的事。

He was framed for something he had never done.

7. 他很正直,事情從沒什麼藏掖。

He is an upright person and his actions have always been open and above board.

8. 這起搶劫案看來是內部的人的。

The robbery appeared to have been an inside job.

9. 先歇手吃點東西,然後再接著

Let’s stop for a snack and then continue our work.

10. 她週末常常幫助她母親家務活。

She often helps her mother with housework at weekends.



  幹姓也作邗姓,是中文姓氏之一,在《百家姓》中排第173位。在現代是極罕見的姓氏。需要注意的是在簡體中文裡乾和幹都被合併到了“幹”,但作姓氏的“幹”不是指“幹活”和“樹幹”,在繁體中文中也應和“天干地支”一樣應寫作“幹”。幹姓來源有多種說法,其一為以國為姓。古代有幹國(在江蘇 揚州一帶)。春秋時被吳國所滅,國人便以國名為姓,遂成幹氏。其二認為出自子姓。比干之後,為避禍改姓。春秋時,宋國有一大夫幹犨,他的後代子孫以他的名字中\幹\字為姓,亦稱幹氏,成為幹姓的一支。除此之外還有多種解釋。



名詞 shield

動詞 offend; affront; violate

1. 有幹禁例

violate a prohibition

動詞 interrupt; trouble; interfere

動詞 go after/seek (official positions, emoluments, etc)

動詞 have to do with; be concerned with; be involved with/in; be implicated in

名詞 waterside; waterfront

名詞 Celestial Stems;Heavenly Stems

形詞 dry [as opposed to wet]; arid

1. 小心,油漆未乾。

Be careful, the paint is still wet. / Wet paint!

2. 我的眼睛又幹又疼。

My eyes feel dry and prickly.

3. 這種墨水乾得很快。

This ink dries quickly.

4. 路面已經幹了。

The roads have now dried up.

5. 衣服在陽光下很快就幹了。

The clothes soon dried off in the sun.

6. 乾柴/毛巾

dry wood/towel

7. 用浴巾擦乾身子

dry oneself on/with a bath towel; rub oneself dry with a bath towel

8. 讓木頭乾透

let the wood dry out

9. 感到口乾

feel dry/thirsty

10. 擦乾眼淚

dry one's tears; brush/dash/wipe away one's tears

11. 擦乾盤子

dry (up) the dishes (with)

12. 把衣服拿出去晾乾

hang the clothes out to dry; dry clothes in the sun

13. 把毛巾擰乾

wring out a towel; wring a towel dry

形詞 dried up; exhausted

1. 水熬幹了。

The water boiled away.

2. 泉幹了。

The spring has dried up. / The spring has run dry.

3. 把沼澤地裡的水排幹

drain the swamps

4. 把雨傘放在外面讓水滴乾

put the umbrella outside to drain (dry)

5. 把水濾幹

drain off the water

6. 把眼淚哭幹

be dry-eyed from too much crying

動詞 empty; dry

1. 咱們乾了這一杯!

Let's empty our glasses!

副詞 vainly; helplessly; impotently

1. 我不會在那兒乾等。

I'll not wait there for nothing/in vain. / I'll not wait vainly/futilely there.

2. 別乾站著,幫我一把。

Don't stand about/around doing nothing; give me a hand.

3. 站在一旁乾生氣

look on in impotent fury

副詞 hollowly; falsely; without real meaning

形詞 adopted; adoptive

名詞 dried food/vegetable/fruit; desiccated/dehydrated food/vegetable/fruit

形詞 dry [without using water]

形詞 (of alcoholic drinks) dry; not sweet

動詞 leave sb in the cold; show/give sb a cold shoulder

名詞 null

名詞 cadre

動詞 do; work; carry on; be up to; engage (in one's work)

1. 這是他們乾的。

They did it. / It was their work.

2. 要幹就幹好。

If you do it, do it well.

3. 這活兒緊,快乾吧。

It's a snap job. Snap to it.

4. 既然幹了,就得幹下去。

Now that you are in for it, you must carry on.

5. 幹通宵

work all night

6. 幹實事

achieve visible/tangible results

7. 幹社會主義

build socialism; work for socialism

8. 幹壞事

do evil/dark deeds; commit wicked deeds

9. 幹好事

do good deeds

10. 幹工作

perform a job; work

11. 幹革命

make/wage revolution

12. 幹蠢事

commit some stupidity

名詞 ability; capability; competence

形詞 able; capable

動詞 work as; do as a profession; go in for

動詞 fight; strike

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