試一試的英文 試一試用英語怎麼說?
go to market 去趕集;去市場;上市
常用 重點詞彙
1. 因為我覺得她的建議很有幫助,我想試一試。
Because I think her suggestions are helpful and I would like to have a try.
2. 好的,你說服我了。我現在要開啟電腦試一試。
Right, you've convinced me. I'm going to go on the computer now and give it a try.
3. 試一試,看這鞋的肥瘦怎麼樣。
Try on the shoes and see if they are a good fit.
4. 如果你手癢難耐,不妨試一試。
If you have an itch to do it, you can have a try.
5. 我好歹要試一試。
I’ll try it, kill or cure.
6. 你姑且試一試。
Anyway, give it a try.
7. 何妨試一試?
Why not have a try? / You might as well have a try.
8. 她同意他們應該試一試這個想法。
She agreed that they should give the idea a try.
9. 如果你不能喝橙汁,試一試蘋果汁。
If you cannot stomach orange juice, try apple juice.
10. 任何東西都要試一試,即使最終證明毫無用處。
Always try everything even if it turns out to be a dud.
go to market; give a whirl; have a shot