樣品的英文 樣品用英語怎麼說?
specimen n.標本;樣本;樣品;動物;抽樣;人
常用 權威
1. 對照樣品
control sample
2. 巖芯樣品
core sample
3. 樣品檢驗員
4. 試驗樣品
pilot sample
5. 提交樣品
submit a sample
6. 到貨樣品
outturn sample
7. 限度樣品
boundary sample; limit sample
8. 樣品室
sample room
9. 免費樣品
free sample
10. 空氣樣品
air sample
11. 賣方樣品
seller's sample
12. 樣品瓶
sample bottle
13. 贈送樣品
give away free samples
14. 樣品發票
sample invoice
15. 買方樣品
buyer's sample
16. 現貨樣品
actual sample; sample of existing goods
17. 提供參考樣品
furnish a sample reference
18. 檢查樣品質量
test samples for quality
19. 新型清潔劑樣品
sample of a new detergent
1. 他把樣品裝在小絲袋裡送來。
He sent samples in small silk bags.
2. 茶商過去常寄樣品(樣品) 罐頭(錫) 盒。
Tea businessmen used to send samples (樣品) in tin (錫) boxes.
3. 我聽說,去年,嫦娥五號從月球上帶了一些樣品到地球上。
I hear chang'e-5 brought some samples from the Moon to the Earth last year.
4. 將樣品連同報價單一併送去。
Send the samples along with the quotation list.
5. 品質與樣品不符。
The quality varies from the sample.
6. 樣品加熱後開始釋放出氣態物質。
Samples are heated and begin to outgas.
7. 福斯特連夜派信使把樣品送往總部。
Forster overnighted the sample to headquarters by courier.
8. 組織樣品被冷藏在防凍的培養液裡。
[count noun]tissue samples were frozen in a cryoprotective broth.
9. 形形色色電視節目中的另一個樣品。
Some other specimen in the television menagerie.
10. 空運過程中經受低氣壓測試的樣品。
Samples submitted to low pressure while being airfreighted.
名詞 sample (product); specimen
1. 新型清潔劑樣品
sample of a new detergent
2. 試驗樣品
pilot sample
3. 免費樣品
free sample
4. 空氣樣品
air sample
5. 贈送樣品
give away free samples
6. 提交樣品
submit a sample
7. 提供參考樣品
furnish a sample reference
8. 取/送樣品
take/send samples
9. 檢查樣品質量
test samples for quality
10. 分發樣品
hand out/distribute samples