行的英文 行用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-22


line n.線;繩;行;一排人;行業;行當;防線;戰線;一行;直線

row n.行;一排;一行;一列;划船時間;划船路程;吵嚷;激烈的爭吵;爭吵;爭論;吵架

trade n.貿易;交易;生意;職業;行業;手藝;信風;貿易風;同業;同仁

profession n.職業;詐稱;表白;入教;職業人士;信仰的宣佈;入教誓言;修道誓約;入教儀式

line of business 業務線

travel v.旅行;移動;走動;沿(路)旅行;經過;經受得住旅行;受喜愛;取得成功;運動

behaviour n.行為;舉止;待人接物的方式;反應行為;習慣;執行方式;起作用的方式

conduct n.行為方式;舉止;品行;管理;處理;引導

go v.行走;去;離開;啟程;想要;可能要;打算成為;打算做;將;變成;進行;有…結果;最後是;和諧;互補;相配;運轉;工作;通常被放在;上廁所;拉屎;撒尿

walk v.走;步行;使行走;使…行走似的移動;散步;行走;漫步;處事;沿(某線路)步行

circulate v.迴圈;環流;流通;在社交場合四處走動;給(一組人)散發

do v.做;實現;完成;行動;行事;合適的;可接受的;痛打;殺死;起訴;宣告…有罪

act v.行動;做某事;行為;充當;擔任;起作用;見效;扮演角色

perform v.執行;完成;實施;履行;演出;表演;工作;表現;執行

practise v.練習;訓練;經常做;實踐;遵循;養成…的習慣;從事;遵循(宗教)的教導和教規;信奉;陰謀策劃

carry out 完成, 執行;開展, 進行, 履行

will do 可以, 湊合;將做

temporary adj.暫時的;臨時的

makeshift adj.權宜的;臨時的

capable adj.有能力的;有才能的;能勝任的;能幹的;有才幹的;可以…的;容許…的

competent adj.勝任的;稱職的;合格的;足夠的;有能力的;能幹的;可接受的;差強人意的;有法定資格的;活性的

soon adv.不久;很快;寧可;寧願;快;早

before long 很快, 不久

常用 權威



1. 自由行

do a self-service tour; do a private tour; make an independent tour; go on a DIY tour

2. 皮草行

[in the southern part of the country] shop selling fur and leather garments in the cold months and straw mats in the warm months; shop selling furs and fur products

3. 行星際


4. 行星系

planetary system

5. 跣行

walk barefoot

6. 承兌行

accepting house

7. 相繼行

consecutive line

8. 支付行

paying bank

9. 票據付款行

drawee bank

10. 批發商行

wholesale house/outlet/firm

11. 行答禮

take the salute

12. 行經期

menstrual period

13. 出口行

export house

14. 梨園行

theatrical circles; theatre world

15. 證券行

securities/bill house

16. 開證行

opening/issuing/establishing bank

17. 趲行

hurry on with one's journey

18. 行持槍禮

salute with a gun

19. 寶島臺灣行

journey in Taiwan Island


1. 在第21,另一種說獎勵的方式是關於期望。

In line 21, another way to say as a bonus would be about expectation.

2. 在第21,作為獎金的另一種說法是高於預期。

In line 21, another way to say as a bonus would be above expectation.

3. 自2012年3月以來,我已經完成了89次旅行,其中有51次出國

Since March 2012, I've done 89 trips of those, 51 have been abroad.

4. \緩和(assuage)\一詞(第9,第2段),接近\緩解\的含義。

The word \assuage\ (line 9, para. 2) is closet in meaning to relieve.

5. \越軌(transgressions)\一詞(第4,第5段)最接近於\不法行為\的含義。

The word \transgressions\ (Line 4, Para.5) is closest in meaning to wrongdoings.

6. 我自己,不過得照樣謝謝你。

I can manage it myself. Thank you all the same.

7. 畫畫本不是他的本行,但他卻也挺在

Painting is not his line, but he is quite good at it.

8. 她跳著看完了這本書。

She skipped through the book.

9. 汽車半路上拋錨了,得虧附近有家修車

The car broke down on the way, fortunately not far from a garage.

10. 打長途要有區號才

You need an area code to make a long-distance call.






名詞 line; row

1. 楊柳成行

be lined with rows of willows

2. 排成兩行

fall into two lines

3. 另起一行

start a new line

動詞 rank (of seniority among brothers and sisters)

1. “你行幾?” “行二。”

‘Where do you come/rank among your brothers and sisters?' ‘I'm the second.'

名詞 business firm

名詞 trade; profession; line of business

量詞 line; row

動詞 go; walk

1. 日行百里

cover/travel a hundred li a day

2. 緩步而行

walk leisurely

動詞 travel

1. 西安之行

trip to Xi'an

名詞 travel

動詞 be current; circulate

名詞 running script

形詞 temporary; makeshift

動詞 do; act; perform; practise; carry out

名詞 behaviour; conduct

動詞 be all right; will do

形詞 capable; competent

動詞 [used before a disyllabic verb, indicating the performance of certain action]

副詞 soon; before long

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