認出的英文 認出用英語怎麼說?
recognize v.認出;認識;承認;確認;認可;識別;辨別;表彰;賞識;自動識別
make out phr.v理解;發現;假裝;起草;證明;過日子;搞性關係
identify v.識別;指認;認為…與…有緊密聯絡;認出;辨別出;使等同於;認為…與…一致;與…一致;和…打成一片
spot n.斑點;一個特定的地方;粉刺;丘疹;一點點;現貨交易;現金交易;調灰泥板;調石膏板;鈔票
常用 權威
1. 認出筆體
recognize sb's handwriting
2. 認出筆跡
recognize sb's handwriting
3. 認出字跡
recognize handwriting
1. 因為它不能在鏡子裡認出自己。
Because it can't recognize (認出) itself in the mirror.
2. 威廉-亞歷山大說他很少被乘客認出來。
Willem-Alexander said he is rarely recognised by passengers.
3. 幾乎每個美國人一眼就能認出一美元鈔票。
Virtually every American can recognize a dollar bill at a mere glance.
4. 他雜在人群中就不會被人認出來了。
No one will spot him if he mingles with the crowd.
5. 這孩子眼尖,一眼就認出了他。
The sharp-eyed boy recognized him at once.
6. 你別去,會被認出來的。
You shouldn’t go yourself. You would be recognized.
7. 我的椅子上做過記認,所以很容易認出來。
I have made a mark on my chair, so I can single it out/recognize it very easily.
8. 他走到近前我才認出他。
I didn’t recognize him until he came close.
9. 我在遠處就認出了他。
I spotted him from afar/a distance.
10. 我一眼就認出她來了。
I recognized her at first sight.
動詞 recognize; make out; identify; spot
1. 小城變得認不出來了。
The town has changed beyond recognition.
2. 受害者認出了罪犯。
The victims positively identified the criminal.
3. 你能認出這張面孔嗎?
Can you identify this face?
4. 你別去,會被認出來的。
You shouldn't go yourself. You would be recognized.
5. 在人群中認出某人
pick out/spot sb in a crowd
6. 認不出
be beyond/out of all recognition; cannot make out
7. 認出某人/物
identify sb/sth (as sth); make out/recognize sb/sth