缺乏的英文 缺乏用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-10



lack n.沒有;缺乏

want v.想要;想做;渴望;缺乏;缺少;需要;想請教;想跟…講話;緝拿;追捕

常用 權威



1. 缺乏技巧

be deficient in skill;be deficient in skill

2. 缺乏佐證

lack evidence

3. 缺乏才智

lack intelligence

4. 缺乏準備

lack preparation

5. 缺乏活力

lack vigour

6. 缺乏戰鬥力

have poor fighting capacity

7. 缺乏趣味

lack interest

8. 缺乏靈感

lack inspiration

9. 缺乏瞭解

lack understanding (of);lack the understanding (of)

10. 缺乏戲德

lack theatrical ethics

11. 缺乏韌性

lack tenacity

12. 缺乏營養

lack nutrition

13. 缺乏實證

lack concrete evidence

14. 缺乏力量

be lacking in strength

15. 白細胞缺乏症


16. 缺乏闖勁

lack dash

17. 缺乏銳氣

lack dash

18. 缺乏雄心

lack ambition

19. 資源缺乏

be deficient in natural resources;deficiency in resources

20. 皮脂缺乏



1. 他們缺乏消化它所必需的蛋白質。

They lack the necessary proteins to digest it.

2. 學生通常因缺乏資源而受到責備。

Students are usually to blame for their lack of resources.

3. 這就是動機或缺乏動機所能做的。

This is what motivation or the lack of it can do.

4. 它過於包羅永珍,因此缺乏清晰度。

It is too inclusive and thus lacks clarity.

5. 他們缺乏解決不斷惡化問題的人才。

They lack talent to fix their deepening problems.

6. 這表明政府在決策上缺乏耐心。

It shows governments' impatience in decision-making.

7. 它是由於缺乏自制力而產生的結果。

It results from a lack of self-control.

8. 他們缺乏強烈的自我價值感。

They lack a strong sense of self-worth.

9. 也不是因為缺乏可用的資訊。

Nor is it for lack of available information.

10. 缺乏誠信這個更廣泛的問題依然存在。

The wider issue of dearth of integrity still stands.






動詞 be/go short of; lack; want; be deficient/wanting/lacking (in)

1. 最後一場缺乏戲劇效果,令人失望。

The final scene was dismayingly lacking in theatrical effect.

2. 由於缺乏適當的保護,這些文物都遭到了破壞。

These cultural relics were damaged owing to a lack of proper protection.

3. 因缺乏確鑿證據而判他無罪。

He was acquitted in default of strong evidence of his guilt.

4. 學生們普遍缺乏興趣。

There was a general lack of interest among the students.

5. 他因缺乏休息而感到疲倦。

Lack of rest made him tired.

6. 雙方之間缺乏信任。

There is a want of confidence between the two parties.

7. 缺乏訓練的部隊

undisciplined forces

8. 嚴重缺乏

severe shortage/scarcity

9. 完全缺乏

utterly lack

10. 資源缺乏

deficiency in resources

11. 師資缺乏

teacher shortage

12. 人員缺乏

deficiency in personnel

13. 人才缺乏

dearth/shortage of talents

14. 能源缺乏

energy shortage

15. 缺乏自信

lack self-confidence; be diffident; lack confidence in oneself

16. 缺乏資源

be deficient in resources

17. 缺乏資金

be short of funds; lack funds

18. 缺乏主動性

lack initiative; be wanting in initiative

19. 缺乏知識

want/lack knowledge; be deficient in knowledge

20. 缺乏證據

want proof

21. 缺乏真實性

be devoid of truth

22. 缺乏戰鬥力

have poor fighting capacity

23. 缺乏遠見

want/lack foresight; be shortsighted

24. 缺乏勇氣

be lacking/deficient in courage

25. 缺乏信心

be short of confidence; lack confidence

26. 缺乏同情心

lack sympathy; be wanting in sympathy

27. 缺乏睡眠

be short of sleep; lack sleep

28. 缺乏熱情

be lacking in warmth; lack enthusiasm

29. 缺乏男子氣

be a sissy

30. 缺乏瞭解

lack the understanding (of)

31. 缺乏力量

be lacking in strength

32. 缺乏理智

be unreasonable; be devoid of reason

33. 缺乏勞動力

be short of labour

34. 缺乏經驗

be short of experience; lack experience; be deficient in experience; be inexperienced

35. 缺乏教養

be raised in barn; be ill-bred

36. 缺乏技巧

be deficient in skill

37. 缺乏活力

have no vitality; lack vitality/vigour

38. 缺乏鍛鍊/能力/毅力

lack exercise/ability/perseverance

39. 缺乏蛋白質/維生素

be deficient in protein/vitamins

40. 缺乏誠意

lack sincerity; be in bad faith

41. 缺乏常識

be wanting in common sense; lack common sense

42. 缺乏材料

be short of materials; lack materials; there was a shortage of materials
