擔憂的英文 擔憂用英語怎麼說?
worry v.不安;擔心;發愁;操心;撕咬;齧碎;擔心的;發愁的;使煩惱;使擔心
concern v.涉及;關於;使擔憂;使煩惱;使不安;關心;影響;關係到;從事;喜愛
常用 權威
1. 為前程擔憂
be exercised about one's future
1. 對貿易的擔憂一直在廣泛傳播。
The fears about trade have been spreading far and wide.
2. 消極地談論以前的工作會引起擔憂
Talking about a previous job negatively raises concerns.
3. 但這種關注也引起了許多擔憂。
But this attention has also produced a lot of fear.
4. 生產過剩或許是巴寶莉最大的擔憂。
Over-production is perhaps the biggest concern for Burberry.
5. 這種做法沒有解決真正的擔憂。
This practice does not address the real worry.
6. 我認為演員們對此感到擔憂。
I think actors are worried about this.
7. 減少他們對物質生活的擔憂。
Lessen their concerns about material well-being.
8. 但印度的水資源短缺問題更令人擔憂。
But water shortages are even more worrying in India.
9. 對自動化的擔憂實際上是毫無根據的。
Worries about automation are in fact groundless.
10. 該調查還探究了人們的看法和擔憂的事。
The survey also probed attitudes and anxieties.
擔憂(英文:worry),讀音dān yōu,漢語詞語,指的是憂慮;發愁。例句有“聽說他病了,我們都很為他擔憂”。 相關古文有“火宅牽纏,夜去明來,早晚擔憂,奈今日茫然。”出自唐代呂岩《沁園春》,相關近義詞有憂鬱、顧忌、憂慮,反義詞有放心。
動詞 worry; be anxious/concerned about; concern
1. 我們對此深感擔憂。
It's a big concern to us.
2. 他聽到這個訊息深感擔憂。
He was deeply concerned at the news.
3. 兒行千里母擔憂。
A mother's thought follows her children wherever they go.
4. 不必擔憂,他不會出事的。
Don't worry. He will be all right.
5. 不用擔憂。
There is no cause for concern/worry.
6. 擔憂也沒用。
There is nothing to be gained by worrying.
7. 為前程擔憂
be exercised about one's future