編造的英文 編造用英語怎麼說?
compile v.彙編;編輯;編纂;編譯;收集;蒐集;累積
draw up 停住
work out 解出, 算出;產生結果, 發展, 成功;鍛鍊;訓練
invent v.發明;創造;首創;創作;編造;捏造;虛構
fabricate v.編造;捏造;偽造;組裝;裝配;製造
concoct v.配製;調製;調和;編造;虛構;策劃
常用 權威
1. 編造情節
weave a plot
2. 編造謊言
fabricate lies
3. 編造藉口
cook up an excuse (for)
4. 編造奇談
spin a yarn
5. 編造統計表
compile a statistical table
6. 編造罪名
trump up charges; fabricate accusations
7. 杜撰編造
draw on (one's) imagination
1. 阻止人們編造和傳播謠言和虛假資訊。
Deter people from fabricating and spreading rumors and false information.
2. 她編造了她的童年故事。
She made up her childhood story.
3. 他所說的完全是編造出來欺騙女孩子的鬼話。
What he said was a myth invented to impress girls.
4. 我根本無需為自己的過去編造故事。
I did not have to invent any tales about my past.
5. 關於一切爭論都是媒體編造的斷言。
Claims that the entire row had been manufactured by the press.
6. 她喜歡編造荒誕不經的故事。
She enjoyed making up tall tales.
7. 你在編造可笑的藉口。
You're making puerile excuses.
8. 編造他們認為新發現的資金提供者想聽的話。
Inventing what they think their new-found paymasters want to hear.
9. 思維正常的人會編造這麼一個荒唐的故事嗎?
Would any man in his senses invent so absurd a story?
10. 沒有人能使他們屈服——他們相信自己編造的故事。
[with obj.]no one can crack them — they believe their cover story.
biān zào動詞(1)[compile;draw up]:將資料組織排列起來編造表冊(2)[fabricate]:捏造為他的缺席編造繁雜的解釋(3)[invent]:靠智力創造古人編造了這個神話(4)[work out;make]:虛構故事部分是真實的,部分是編造的
動詞 compile; draw up; work out
1. 編造預算
draw up/prepare a budget
2. 編造統計表
compile a statistical table
動詞 create out of one's imagination; invent
1. 編造情節
weave a plot
動詞 fabricate; concoct; cook/make up
1. 這純屬胡編亂造。
It's a wild invention. / It's nothing but a pack of lies.
2. 編造罪名
trump up charges; fabricate accusations
3. 編造文書
fabricate/fake/forge a document
4. 編造藉口
cook up an excuse (for)
5. 編造謊言
fabricate lies
6. 編造故事
trump up a story; make a story out of thin air; spin a yarn