聽到的英文 聽到用英語怎麼說?
listen in 聽;傾聽;收聽
hear v.聽見;聽到;聽說;知道;聆聽;聽說過;不同意;注意聽;不允許;重視
1. 聽到傳聞
hear sth in talk
2. 聽到謠言
hear a rumour
3. 隱約聽到
hear faintly; be dimly audible
4. 聽到訊息後無動於衷
hear the news with nonchalance
5. 聽到窸窣聲
hear a rustle
6. 聽到他們斷斷續續的談話
hear snatches of their conversation
1. 我聽到的一些故事相當令人驚訝。
Some of the stories I have heard are quite surprising.
2. 但我只聽到一個女人的尖叫聲。
But I only heard a woman scream.
3. 點頭,微笑,對你聽到的做出反應。
Nod, smile and react to what you're hearing.
4. 聽到袁隆平去世的訊息,我很難過。
I'm sad to hear that Yuan Longping passed away.
5. 下一分鐘,我又聽到了鶺鴒的歌聲。
The next minute, I heard the singing of the wagtail again.
6. 聽到自己的錯誤,她很詫異。
She was surprised to hear about her mistake.
7. 除非你大聲說話,否則沒人能聽到你。
Nobody can hear you unless you speak in a louder voice.
8. 幾分鐘後,我聽到了滴答聲。
After a few minutes, I heard the sound of tick tick.
9. 一聽到這話,莉莉就沒命地跑了出去。
On hearing this, Lily ran out as fast as her legs could carry her.
10. 斑馬聽到了響亮的嚎叫聲。
Zebra heard the loud cry.
聽到 - 智明 用一堵高牆 去阻隔一團旋渦 用一段事實 去看一個結果 風彷彿也很孤獨 聽著雨說也寂寞 星星的哭泣 有人聽到沒 風彷彿也很孤獨 聽著雨說也寂寞 風彷彿也很孤獨 聽著雨說也寂寞 星星的哭泣 有人聽到過 用一堵高牆 去阻隔一團旋渦 用一段事實 去看一個結果 風彷彿也很孤獨 聽著雨說也寂寞 星星的哭泣 有人聽到沒 風彷彿也很孤獨 聽著雨說也寂寞 風彷彿也很孤獨 聽著雨說也寂寞 星星的哭泣 有人聽到過