枕頭的英文 枕頭用英語怎麼說?
pillow n.枕頭;枕塊;墊板;墊座;軸枕
常用 權威
1. 枕頭箱
pillow casket
2. 拍松枕頭
fluff up a pillow
3. 繡枕頭
embroider a pillow
4. 繡花枕頭
pillow with an embroidered case; embroidered pillow;outwardly attractive but worthless person; worthless person with an attractive appearance; good only in looks
5. 柔軟的枕頭
soft pillow;soft pillow
6. 枕頭下面的一封信
letter under the pillow
7. 用羽毛充填枕頭
stuff a pillow with feathers
1. 把課本放在枕頭底下睡覺是不行的。
Sleeping with the textbook under the pillow (枕頭) doesn't work.
2. 睡覺時把課本放在枕頭下。
Sleep with your textbook under the pillow.
3. 對於這些父母來說,很難抑制用膠帶把枕頭粘在孩子身邊的衝動。
It's hard for these parents to fight the urge to tape pillows around their kids.
4. 給孩子墊好枕頭,別讓他控著頭睡。
Set the pillow right for the child. Don’t let him sleep with his head unsupported.
5. 這孩子頭一靠上枕頭就睡著了。
The child went to sleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.
6. 他是個繡花枕頭,虛有其表。
He is a person of outward attraction but little worth.
7. 他是腦袋一沾枕頭就會睡著的那種人。
He is the type that falls asleep as soon as his head touches the pillow.
8. 警察懷疑她是被枕頭捂死的。
Police suspected that she was stifled to death with a pillow.
9. 枕頭存放在各位旅客座位上面的架子裡。
Pillows are in the overhead above each passenger’s seat.
10. 睡覺時枕頭不能墊得太高。
We should not sleep with the pillows piled too high.
枕頭是一種睡眠工具,枕頭的使用是從公元前約7000年的美索不達米亞文明開始的,是人們為睡眠舒適而採用的填充物,為保護頸部的正常生理彎曲,維持人們睡眠時正常的生理活動。 枕頭一般由枕芯、枕套兩部分構成,按材料分有棉枕、羽絨枕、乳膠枕和新型材料枕等,如酒店較多使用鵝絨枕、棉枕,因其高度蓬鬆、保暖性好。
名詞 pillow
1. 柔軟的枕頭
soft pillow
2. 泡沫/羽毛枕頭
foam/feather pillow
3. 枕頭下面的一封信
letter under the pillow
4. 頭一挨枕頭便睡著了
fall asleep as soon as one's head hits/touches the pillow
5. 用鞍囊當枕頭
use the saddlebag as a pillow