表揚的英文 表揚用英語怎麼說?
praise v.稱讚;表揚;頌揚;讚頌
commend v.表揚;稱讚;把(某人;某事)託付給;委託;信託;推薦;使被接受;使合意;使受喜愛
cite v.引用(文章;書本;作家)以作為論據或說明之證;引證;傳訊;傳喚;舉例;傳令嘉獎
常用 權威
1. 表揚信
letter of commendation; commendatory letter
2. 受到表揚
be given a commendation (for)
3. 表揚先進集體和個人
commend advanced collectives and individuals
1. 先上前一步的人會受到表揚。
The man stepping forward first would be praised.
2. 當你的孩子選擇得當時,一定要表揚他們。
When your children choose properly, be sure to praise them.
3. 過程表揚是對這個人剛剛付出努力的認可。
Process praise is acknowledgement of the efforts the person has just undertaken.
4. 當我兒子完成一項任務時,我禁不住表揚他。
When my son completes a task, I can't help praise him.
5. 正常合理的表揚的關鍵是關注過程而非結果。
The key to healthy praise is to focus on the process rather than the outcome.
6. 老師表揚她的勇敢。
The teacher praised her for her bravery.
7. 接受別人表揚的孩子更有可能在失敗後感到羞愧。
Children who receive person praise are more likely to feel shame after losing.
8. 沒有人喜歡一個因團隊的努力得到所有表揚的人。
No one likes someone who takes all the praise for the efforts of a team.
9. 菲利普說區分\個人表揚\和\過程表揚\很重要。
Phillip says it's important to distinguish between \person praise\ and \process praise\.
10. 父母經常表揚孩子,認為這樣可以培養孩子的自信心。
Parents often praise, believing they are building their child's self-confidence.
動詞 praise; commend; cite
1. 老師表揚她學習刻苦。
The teacher commended/praised her for her diligence.
2. 值得表揚
deserve/merit commendation
3. 受到表揚
be given a commendation (for)
4. 給予表揚
award/bestow praise
5. 表揚先進集體和個人
commend advanced collectives and individuals
6. 表揚好人好事
praise good people and good deeds