溝通的英文 溝通用英語怎麼說?
link up 匯合;連線;聯絡
bridge n.橋;橋樑;橋樓;駕駛臺;艦橋;艦樓;鼻樑;電橋;橋牌;(Bridge)人名:布里奇
connect v.連線;聯結;聯絡;結合;通電;聯運;聯姻;通水;使聯絡;連線以供通行
join v.連線;接合;參加;參與;聯合;參軍;入伍;陪同;隨同;與…匯合
常用 權威
1. 下行溝通
downward communication
2. 文化溝通
3. 越級溝通
diagonal communication
4. 和年輕人溝通交流
communicate with the younger generation
1. 他們會意識到溝通的重要性。
They will realise the importance of communication.
2. 你應該具備很強的人際交往和溝通能力。
You should possess strong interpersonal and communication skills.
3. 當你進行眼神交流時,你能感覺在溝通。
When you make eye contact, you can feel the conversation.
4. 稍加努力,你就能學會更好地與父母溝通。
With a little hard work, you can learn to communicate better with your parents.
5. 演習包括溝通、疏散、搜尋和救援等情況。
Rehearsals involve communication, evacuation, search and rescue, and other scenarios.
6. 溝通是一個雙向的過程。
Communication is a two-way process.
7. 該會議的目的是幫助老師和家長實現更好的溝通。
The purpose of the meeting is to help teachers and parents achieve better communication.
8. 為了與他人溝通,他用兩隻手指控制電腦的滑鼠。
To communicate with others, he moved two fingers to control the computer's mouse.
9. 為了應對數字欺騙,企業應該與相關團隊進行溝通。
To handle digital deception, businesses should talk with relevant teams.
10. 一方面,我們在與他們溝通時可以分享我們的希望、夢想或問題。
On the one hand, we can share our hopes, dreams or problems when we communicate with them.
溝通(gōu tōng),漢語詞語,本義指開溝以使兩水相通,後用以泛指使兩方相通連,也指疏通彼此的意見。
動詞 link up; bridge; connect; join
1. 有思想隔閡就要溝通。
Communication gaps require mutual exchange of thoughts.
2. 這些小湖是相互溝通的。
These little lakes all run into one another.
3. 和年輕人溝通交流
communicate with the younger generation
4. 溝通思想
get to know each other's viewpoints better; promote mutual understanding; exchange ideas
5. 溝通了大江南北
link up the northern and the southern China