多餘的英文 多餘用英語怎麼說?
surplus n.剩餘;過剩;盈餘;順差;超淨資產
redundant adj.多餘的;過剩的;被解僱的;失業的;累贅的;冗長的;重複的
superfluous adj.過多的;過量的;過剩的
unnecessary adj.不必要的;多餘的;不恰當的;無禮的;冒犯的
unwanted adj.沒人要的;不再需要的
常用 權威
1. 多餘的話
uncalled-for remarks
2. 多餘的字
redundant words
3. 多餘的糧食
surplus grain
4. 把多餘的內容勾掉
strike off anything superfluous
1. 他們拒絕使用帶有多餘特徵的廁紙。
They reject using toilet paper with unnecessary features.
2. 機器人不會讓護士變得多餘。
Robots will not make nurses redundant.
3. 如果你有多餘的蔬菜,你就要做蔬菜湯。
If you have surplus vegetables, you'll do a vegetable soup.
4. 她有一張多餘的票。
She has an extra ticket.
5. 但是翻頁時的風導致多餘的書頁從架子上掉了下去。
But the draft wind from the turn caused the spare pages to fall off the stand.
6. 從轉彎處吹來的穿堂風使多餘的書頁從架子上掉了下來。
The draft wind from the turn caused the spare pages to fall off the stand.
7. 這不是杞人憂天嗎?完全是多餘的顧慮。
Isn’t it like the man of Qi who was afraid of the sky falling? You’re worrying unnecessarily.
8. 再提那個就是多餘的了。
It’s unnecessary to mention that again.
9. 她覺得自己是多餘的。
She felt she was unwanted/one too many.
10. 沒有多餘的時間了。
There’s no time to spare.
多餘(英文:surplus),讀音為duō yú,漢語詞語,指的是剩餘,也指不必要的。例句有“政府機關的改革,不但要精簡多餘的人員,更要減少重疊的機構”。 該詞語的近義詞有:剩餘、有餘等;反義詞有:進取、缺少等。
形詞 surplus
1. 多餘的糧食
surplus grain
形詞 redundant; superfluous; uncalled-for; unnecessary; unwanted
1. 她覺得自己是多餘的。
She felt she was unwanted/one too many.
2. 沒有多餘的時間了。
There's no time to spare.
3. 多餘的字
redundant words
4. 多餘的話
uncalled-for remarks