規律的英文 規律用英語怎麼說?
law n.法律;法制;法律體系;定律;戒律;(Law)人名:勞
regular pattern 常規模式;正規模式;規則圖案
precept n.規誡;戒律;箴言;訓令;令狀;稅令;稅率;稅種
常用 權威
1. 規律性
law; regularity
2. 普遍規律
universal law;universal law
3. 發展規律
law of development
4. 語音規律
phonetic law
5. 辯證規律
dialectical law
6. 行經規律
have regular menstruation
7. 自然規律
natural law; law of nature
8. 闡述規律
expound the laws
9. 成長規律
law of growth
10. 客觀規律
objective law/principle
11. 思維規律
law of thinking
12. 一般規律
universal law; general rule
13. 發現規律
discover a law
14. 生活規律
live a regular life
15. 發病規律
regularity of a disease
16. 內在規律
inherent/internal law
17. 必然規律
inexorable law
18. 經濟規律
law of economy; economic law
19. 基本規律
20. 價值規律
law of value
1. 其次,你必須有規律和充足的睡眠。
Second, you must have regular and enough sleep.
2. 從海量的人類行為資料中獲取規律。
Picking up patterns from massive data on human behavior.
3. 他們的日常生活遵循自然迴圈的規律。
Their daily routine followed the rhythm of the natural cycle.
4. 文章富有系統性和規律性。
The essay is full of systematicness and regularity.
5. 安排規律的閱讀時間有助於提高思維效率。
Scheduling regular times for reading helps encourage the efficiency mind-set.
6. 當接觸到有規律的嗶嗶聲時,他們感到睏倦。
They felt sleepy when exposed to regular beeps.
7. 一般的睡眠規律是,年紀越小,需要的睡眠時間越長。
The general sleeping rule is that the younger you are, the longer sleep you need.
8. 在我們的日常生活中,均衡的飲食和規律的鍛鍊一樣重要。
Balanced diets are just as important as regular exercise in our daily life .
9. 缺乏規律的體育活動意味著人們比過去消耗更少的卡路里。
This lack of regular physical activity means people burn fewer calories than in the past.
10. 孩子在託兒所飲食起居都很有規律。
Life in a nursery provides children with a strict daily regimen.
名詞 law; regular pattern; precept
1. 自從妻子死後,他的生活就沒有規律了。
His hours have been irregular since the death of his wife.
2. 我的工作無規律可言。
There is no regularity about my work.
3. 他的脈搏不很規律。
His pulse is not very regular.
4. 季節交替是有規律的。
The seasons come and go with regularity.
5. 作息有規律
keep regular hours
6. 事物的內部規律
inherent/inner law of things
7. 個人生活規律
personal laws of living
8. 大便有規律
have regular bowel movements; have a regular evacuation