作為的英文 作為用英語怎麼說?
conduct n.行為方式;舉止;品行;管理;處理;引導
deed n.行為;契約;行動;高尚的行為;勇敢的行為
action n.行動;行動過程;事情;行為;做事方式;風格;訴訟;軍事行動;舉動
performance n.演出;表演;履行;執行;完成;表現;飾演;工作情況;言語行為
accomplishment n.成就;成績;完成;實現;才能;造詣;技能
regard as 視為;看作
look on as 看作;視為
take as 把…看作是…;把…當作是…
serve as 作為, 充當, 擔任
常用 權威
1. 大有作為
be able to develop ability to the fullest; there is plenty of room for sb to develop his talents to the full; there is much scope for one's capability
2. 有所作為
do sth to one's credit
3. 作為獎賞
as a reward (for sth)
4. 作為例證
serve as an illustrative example
5. 把某事作為藉口
use sth as an excuse
6. 作為一種變通的辦法
as an accommodation
1. 作為消費者,我們真的非常浪費。
As consumers, we are very wasteful.
2. 珍熱愛她作為音樂治療師的工作。
Jen loves her job as a music therapist.
3. 去年,我作為交換生去了義大利。
Last year, I went to Italy as an exchange student.
4. 把共和黨人作為他的潛在支持者。
Take republicans as his potential allies.
5. 他作為難民在那裡生活了13年。
He lived there as a refugee for 13 years.
6. 作為青少年,我們是祖國的未來。
As teenagers, we are the future of our motherland.
7. 我被邀請作為特邀嘉賓參加展覽。
I was invited as a special guest to attend the exhibition.
8. 所以,作為他的夥伴,我鼓勵他。
So, as his buddy, I encourage him.
9. 作為一名登山者,他習慣於冒險。
As a mountain climber, he is used to taking risks.
10. 作為學生,我們應當對自己負責。
As students, we should be responsible for ourselves.
名詞 conduct; deed; action; performance
1. 評論一個人不僅要聽其談吐,更要觀其作為。
The appraisal of a person should be based not only on his words but also on his conduct.
名詞 accomplishment
1. 有所作為
be able to bring one's talent into play and do well in life; achieve something
2. 無所作為
make no attempt and achieve nothing in life
3. 很有作為
be a person of the highest attainments
4. 大有作為
be able to bring one's initiative into full play
動詞 regard as; look on as; take as
1. 把某事作為藉口
use sth as an excuse
2. 把某人作為靠山
look on sb as a prop/patron
動詞 serve as
1. 作為社會主義經濟的補充
serve as a supplement to the socialist economy