寫故事的英文 寫故事用英語怎麼說?
write a story
常用 重點詞彙
1. 也有引導您的有些問題寫故事。
Ther are also some questions guiding you to write the story.
2. 喬很小的時候就開始寫故事。
Jo wrote stories from an early age.
3. 阿萊克斯:我在給羅布的節目寫故事。
Alex: I'm writing a story for Rob's show.
4. 瑪麗為這篇書評寫
Mary abstracted a story for the book review.
5. 邁克四歲時就開始寫故事書.
At the age of 4 Mike began to write story books.
6. 我們現在就可以走。我可以寫故事賺錢...喬!
We can leave, right now. I'll sell stories... Jo!
7. 我喜歡畫畫和寫故事,我喜歡風景畫,不喜歡靜物畫。
I like to draw pictures and write stories, I prefer landscape to still life.
8. 我喜歡和人交談,還喜歡寫故事。我接待歌星和貴賓。
I like talking to people and writing stories. I meet pop stars and VIPs.
9. 從前有一個國王,他喜歡寫故事,但是他寫的故事很不好。
One day the king showed his stories to a famous writer.
10. 最初有人會認為我們與其它刊物一般,會收取當事人金錢,替人家寫故事, 歌功頌德,或吹噓他們的成就;
At first, some thought that we would receive money to write stories for others to give them promotion.
old practice; routine; story; tale; plot (of a literary piece)