有幫助的英文 有幫助用英語怎麼說?
helpfulness n.有益;有助;有益性;助益性
avail v.利用;有助於;有益於
helpful adj.給予幫助的;樂於幫助的;有用的;有益的
常用 重點詞彙
1. 對你最有幫助的是安排你的睡眠。
What helps you most is to schedule your sleep.
2. 他實際上從事非常有幫助的建築業。
He's actually in the construction business, which was really helpful.
3. 但是轉向以植物為主的飲食不會有幫助。
But switching to a mainly plant-based diet wouldn't help.
4. 她曾經選我們的班長為最有幫助的學生。
She once chose our monitor as the most helpful student.
5. 這種抗蛇毒血清對拯救被咬的人很有幫助。
This anti-venin is really helpful in saving the person who has been bitten.
6. 對自己想要的東西有一個明確的想法是很有幫助的。
It is helpful to have a clear idea (想法) of what you want.
7. 他希望結交對他事業有幫助的人。
He hopes to associate with people who can help him in his career.
8. 詞彙學對語言學老師也很有幫助。
Language teachers will find lexicology even more helpful.
9. 我希望以上能對我的讀者有幫助。
I hope that the above makes sense to your readers.
10. 的引數儘可能的少也會很有幫助。
It helps to keep the parameters short and the number of them small.
helpfulness; avail; helpful