有影響的英文 有影響用英語怎麼說?
be influential
常用 重點詞彙
1. 對…有影響
have an influence (on)
1. 學生就讀的學校型別對他們的未來有影響。
The type of school students attend makes a difference to their future.
2. HUNCH計劃對大學錄取和實際生活技能有影響。
The HUNCH program has an impact (影響) on college admissions and practical life skills.
3. 他研究了很多次那些做過有影響力研究的第一作者,還有類似的。
He examined how many times people were first authors on influential studies, and the like.
4. 父母的一言一行都會對孩子有影響。
Everything the parents say and do will have an influence on their children.
5. 政客們對老百姓的生活的確有影響。
[mass noun]politicians really do have some effect on the lives of ordinary people.
6. 海拔高度對她有影響,她感到不舒服。
The altitude had hit her and she was feeling rough.
7. “軍械庫”是頗有影響力的品牌。
“Armory” is a powerful brand.
8. 洋流對其充經地區的氣候有影響.
Ocean currents affect the climates of the lands near which they flow.
9. 灰塵對觸控式螢幕的使用有影響嗎?。
Does dust influence the usage of touch screen?
10. 加勁肋高度只對節點剛度有影響。
The length just has influence on stiffness.
be influential