可靠的英文 可靠用英語怎麼說?
dependable adj.可信賴的;可靠的
trustworthy adj.值得信賴的;可信的
credible adj.可信的;令人信服的;能使人相信某事會發生(或成功)的
trusty adj.可靠的;忠誠的
faithful adj.忠實的;忠誠的;守信的;虔誠的;如實的;忠於原文的;準確可靠的;忠貞的;可靠的;可信賴的
常用 權威
1. 可靠性
reliability; dependability; credibility; authenticity
2. 誠實可靠
be honest and trustworthy
3. 資信可靠
be creditworthy
4. 老實可靠
honest and reliable; trustworthy
5. 信用可靠
reliable credit
6. 絕對可靠
absolutely reliable
7. 穩當可靠
stable and reliable
8. 質疑可靠性
challenge its reliability
9. 線路可靠性
circuit reliability
10. 篤實可靠
honest and reliable
11. 可靠的僕人
trusty servant
12. 沉穩可靠的人
steady and reliable man
13. 可靠的見證
credible witness
14. 可靠的證詞
reliable testimony
15. 可靠的推論
safe conclusion
16. 政治上可靠
be politically reliable
17. 可靠的新聞報道
authentic news report
18. 不可靠的諾言
promise of doubtful value
1. 可靠的快速反應基於充分的資訊。
Reliable snap reaction are based on adequate information.
2. 這個過程繁瑣、昂貴且不可靠。
The process is cumbersome, expensive, and unreliable.
3. 它是啟用大腦最可靠的興奮劑。
It is the most reliable stimulant to activate the brain.
4. 眾所周知,人類的記憶是不可靠的。
Human memory is notoriously unreliable.
5. 作為可靠的證據突然出現。
Comes across as reliable evidence.
6. 這已經成為一種可怕而可靠的年度儀式。
It has become a grimly reliable annual ritual.
7. 基因檢測是不可靠的。
Genetic tests are not reliable.
8. 他們在財務上不可靠。
They are not financially reliable.
9. 他們懷疑它的可靠性。
They are sceptical of its reliability.
10. 第一印象的可靠性。
The reliability of first impressions.
可靠(英文:reliable),讀音kě kào,漢語詞語,指的是可以信賴依靠,真實可信。例句:他的行動表明了他是個誠實可靠的人。 相關近義詞:穩當、牢靠、確實。相關反義詞:冒險。
形詞 (of people) reliable; dependable; trustworthy; credible; trusty
1. 該訊息來自一位可靠人士。
The information came from a trustworthy source.
2. 誠實可靠
be honest and trustworthy
3. 可靠的僕人
trusty servant
4. 可靠的朋友
fast/dependable/reliable/steady/unfailing friend
形詞 authentic and reliable; faithful
1. 這條資訊可靠不可靠?
Is the information reliable/dependable?
2. 外表往往不可靠。
Appearances often lie.
3. 他懷疑那個訊息不可靠。
He is doubtful of the news.
4. 不可靠的諾言
promise of doubtful value
5. 可靠的新聞報道
authentic news report
6. 可靠的訊息來源
reliable/faithful sources
7. 可靠的推論
safe conclusion
8. 可靠的見證
credible witness
9. 可靠的報道
trustworthy/faithful report