漸漸的英文 漸漸用英語怎麼說?
gradually adv.漸漸地;逐步地
by degrees 逐漸地
little by little 緩慢地, 逐漸地, 一點一點地
常用 權威
1. 漸漸被忽視
fall into neglect
2. 漸漸熄滅
smoulder out
3. 漸漸遠去的汽車
slowly vanishing car
4. 漸漸把比分拉平
gradually even up the score
5. 漸漸後退的髮際
receding hairline
1. 但我並不覺得自己漸漸變得默默無聞。
But I don't feel like I'm fading into obscurity.
2. 漸漸地,狗看不見兔子了。
Gradually(逐漸地), the dog was losing sight of(看不見) the rabbit.
3. 漸漸地,欺凌開始停止。
Gradually, the bullying began to stop.
4. 漸漸地,信件分級系統在全美變得更加流行。
Gradually,the letter grading system became more popular throughout the US.
5. 漸漸地,這個地方的寧靜開始充斥我的腦海。
Gradually, the peace and silence of the place began to fill my mind.
6. 他們注視著落日的餘暉漸漸消失。
They watched the sunset fade.
7. 青銅問世後,石器就漸漸過時了。
Once bronze became available, stone tools began to go out of date.
8. 母親盯視著女兒漸漸遠去的身影。
The mother gazed at her daughter’s figure disappearing into the distance.
9. 太陽落山後,天色漸漸暗下來。
As the sun had set, it was getting dark.
10. 這幢樓房蓋得漸漸有個樣子了。
The building is beginning to take shape.
漸漸 我漸漸開始想你了.漸漸不能再離開.漸漸你已是我心中最想保護的人 我 愛你 我 愛你 我 愛你
歌曲名:《漸漸》 作詞:陳克華 作曲:黃義達 演唱:趙薇/No Name(餘憲忠) 製作:李偲菘、李偉菘 語言:國語 專輯名:2004年趙薇專輯《飄》
副詞 gradually; by degrees; little by little
1. 掌聲漸漸停息了。
The applause gradually faded.
2. 戰鬥漸漸平息下來。
The fighting died down.
3. 雪漸漸融化了。
Little by little the snow melted.
4. 他漸漸才明白過來。
Only by degrees did it dawn on him.