合同的英文 合同用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-06



contract n.合同;契約;合同法;契約法;暗殺協議;定約;定約墩數;婚約

agreement n.協調一致;同意;一致意見;協定;一致;合同;契約;相容;呼應

常用 權威



1. 合同制

contract system

2. 合同工

contract worker/labourer

3. 合同醫院

assigned designated

4. 補充合同

supplementary contract

5. 購銷合同

purchase and sale contract

6. 多邊合同

multilateral contract

7. 贖回合同

contract of ransom

8. 非法合同

illegal contract

9. 合同效力

validity of contract

10. 合同落空

frustration of contract

11. 訂立合同

conclude a contract

12. 任意合同

contract at discretion

13. 保險合同

insurance contract

14. 抵押合同

mortgage contract

15. 經濟合同

economic contract

16. 僱用合同

contract of employment; employment contract;contract of employment

17. 包工合同

contract labour agreement

18. 廢除合同

annul a contract

19. 銷售合同

sales contract;sales agreement/contract

20. 無效合同

invalid contract;invalid contract; ineffective contract; nullity of contract; void contract


1. 其要求重新談判合同的上訴被駁回。

Its appeal to renegotiate the contract had been rejected.

2. 勞動合同中不包括體型。

Excluding body shape as a category in the labor contract.

3. 建築公司違反了合同

The construction firm breached the contract.

4. 一旦合同到期,我就迫不及待地想離開哪裡。

I couldn't wait to get out of there once my contract expired.

5. 加上員工審查合同,這個過程變得更快、更準確。

This process, along with employees reviewing the contracts, is faster and more accurate.

6. 研究人員研究了100名職業運動員及其代言合同

Researchers studied 100 professional athletes and their endorsement contracts.

7. 修改合同條款。

Revise the terms and conditions of the contract.

8. 老闆可以簡單地向員工發出合同通知的日子已經一去不復返了。

Long gone are the days when a boss could simply give an employee contractual notice.

9. 安永會計師事務所(EY)使用人工智慧系統,在審計期間幫助審查合同

One accounting firm, EY, uses an AI system that helps review contracts during an audit.

10. 雙方簽訂的名為《互動媒體協議》的現有勞動合同已於2014年底到期。

The existing labor contract known as the Interactive Media Agreement expired in late 2014.



合同是當事人或當事雙方之間設立、變更、終止民事關係的協議。依法成立的合同,受法律保護。廣義合同指所有法律部門中確定權利、義務關係的協議。狹義合同指一切民事合同。還有最狹義合同僅指民事合同中的債權合同。《中華人民共和國民法通則》第85條:合同是當事人之間設立、變更、終止民事關係的協議。依法成立的合同,受法律保護。《中華人民共和國合同法》第2條:合同是平等主體的自然人、法人、其他組織之間設立、變更、終止民事權利義務關係的協議。婚姻、收養、監護等有關身份關係的協議,適用其他法律的規定。 合同(Contract),又稱為契約、協議,是平等的當事人之間設立、變更、終止民事權利義務關係的協議。合同作為一種民事法律行為,是當事人協商一致的產物,是兩個以上的意思表示相一致的協議。只有當事人所作出的意思表示合法,合同才具有國家法律約束力。依法成立的合同從成立之日起生效,具有國家法律約束力。


在數學中,合同(英文:congruence,符號:≅)做為一個一般性的概念,指的是一組物件之間的等價關係。例如: 幾何中的合同或稱全等,亦即等距同構,一般來說,就是相同的形狀與大小。 算術中的合同,亦即同餘。同餘是抽象代數中的同餘關係的原型。同餘所使用的符號是 ≡。 抽象代數中的合同,亦即同餘關係,這是代數結構之間在結構上相容的等價關係。 矩陣論中的合同,亦即合同矩陣。若存在非奇異矩陣{\\displaystyle P},使得 {\\displaystyle P^{T}AP=B},則稱{\\displaystyle A,B}是合同或相合的。



名詞 contract; agreement

1. 目前的合同馬上就要到期了,不過我們還可以續簽。

The current contract will soon expire, but we may renew it.

2. 許可證合同

licence contract

3. 修正合同

amendment of contract

4. 銷售合同

sales contract

5. 無效合同

invalid contract

6. 口頭合同

oral contract

7. 互惠合同

reciprocal contract

8. 僱用合同

contract of employment

9. 購貨合同

purchase contract

10. 代理合同

agency contract

11. 附加合同

accessory contract

12. 承兌合同

acceptance contract

13. 包銷合同

exclusive sales contract

14. 包工包料合同

contract for labour and materials

15. 合同正本

original of the contract

16. 合同義務

contracted commitment/obligation

17. 合同延長

contract extension

18. 合同性投資

contractual investment

19. 合同效力

validity of contract

20. 合同外資

contractual foreign investment

21. 合同條款

contract clause; contract terms/provisions

22. 合同雙方

contracting parties

23. 合同期限

contract period

24. 合同期滿

expiration of a contract

25. 合同落空

frustration of contract

26. 合同金額

contract value

27. 合同規定

contractual specifications/stipulations

28. 遵守合同

keep/observe/honour a contract

29. 終止合同

terminate a contract

30. 執行合同

implement a contract

31. 修改合同

amend/modify/alter a contract

32. 違背合同

breach/break/violate a contract

33. 撕毀合同

tear up a contract

34. 取消合同

cancel a contract

35. 簽訂合同

sign a contract

36. 起草合同

draw up/write a contract

37. 履行合同

carry out/execute/fulfil/effect/enforce/perform a contract

38. 訂立合同

conclude a contract

我嘗試了不同的風格 用日語怎麼說? ?
“相同點” “不同點” 用日語怎麼說? ?